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Elmira N.Y. Febry 28th 1866 Maj Genl O.O. Howard Bureau of Freedmen & Refugees Washington D.C. General; I have the honor to apply for a position in the Freedmen's Bureau, provided such application and service is consistent with the good of the public service. I have served in the army during the war in the capacities named below: Mustered in to Co. "E" 1st Vt Vols. as Corporal May 9th 1861 — Discharged by expiration term of Service in August same year — Mustered into Co. "E" 5th Vt Vols. Sept 16th/61 on 1st Lieutenant. Promoted Captain — Co I 5th Vt Vols July 24th/62 Transferred and appointed 1st Lieut in Vet. Res Corps August 8th 1863 on account of gun shot wound through the head June 29th/62 "Peninsular" Campaign — Promoted Captain Vet Res. Corps Dec. 10th 1863 and assigned to 19th V.R.C. all of which the Army Records verify — over