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[[4 Columned Table]]
| Rank & | Name | Regt. | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1st Lt. Bvt. Capt. | Joseph Groves | 1st | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. Bvt. Capt. & Q.M. | A. B. Greenwell | 22nd | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | John Morton | 23rd | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | J. A. Remley |   | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | J. F. Allison | 16th | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | Edward B. Northup | 14th | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. Adjutant | J M. Beebe | 23d | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | Chas. F. Rand | 2d Battalion | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | James Hutchinson | 1st | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | C. C. Hardenbrook | 1st | Requested by Genl. Howard |
| 1st Lt. | Geo. T. Cook | 24th |   |
| 1st Lt. | Edward Lyon | 21st |   |
| 1st Lt. | James DeGray | 19th |   |
| 1st Lt. | Edward E. Williams | 17th |   |
| 1st Lt. | Frank A. Osbourn | 16th |   |
| 2 Lieut. Adjt. | Henry Krause | 1st | Requested by Gen. Howard |
| 2 Lieut. | Bryan E. Hess | 19th | Requested by Gen. Howard |
| 2 Lieut. | Morton Havens | 18th | Requested by Gen. Howard |
| 2 Lieut. | James Drysdale | 7th | Requested by Gen. Howard |
| 2 Lieut. | Joseph Burns | 17th | Requested by Gen. Howard |
| 2 Lieut. | Ira D. McClary | 6th | Requested by Gen. Howard |
| 2 Lieut. | John H. Brough | 18th |   |
| 2 Lieut. | J. Ernest Goodman | 2d Battalion |   |
| 2 Lieut. | J. Albert Saylor | 19th |   |
| 2 Lieut. | A. A. Metzner | 11th |   |
| 2 Lieut. | Joseph Logan | 24th |   |
| 2 Lieut. | Guilford D. Jennings | 23d |   |
| 2 Lieut. | John M. Foot | 20th |   |
| 2 Lieut. | A. W. McKillip | 10th |   |
| 2 Lieut. | Geo. W. Tipton | 10th |   |