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[[10 columns]] [[column 1]] NATIONAL LECTURES--DR. LARNED, OF TEXAS, AT CLINTON HALL.--Dr. Edward S. Larned, of Texas, delivered the initial lecture of a course on national subjects, at Clinton Hall, last evening. The audience was comparatively small, a defect which was in some measure (thought no in any pecuniary way) compensated for by the keenly analytic criticism of historical questions displayed by the lecturer. The subject of last evening's analysis was, "The Pilgrim Republic, or the American Colonies Beneath Self-Rule," which subject was treated in a politico-historic sort of a way, embodying a thorough investigation of the acts of the Pilgrim Fathers and the motives for those sots, beginning with the founding of the colony, and ending with the difficulties which occurred at the time of the restoration. The lecture was a complete disquisition on the origin and progress of republicanism in America. the points made were 1, the gradual usurpation of the royal prerogative by those emigrants; 2, the duplicity exercised by them toward the English Government; and 3, their cruelty and intolerance toward persons dissenting from their religions tenets. The second lecture of the course--on "English Misrule in America, or the Origin and Causes of the revolution"--will be delivered on Friday evening.--N. Y. News. The New York Express, a reliable journal, says it firmly believes a majority of the Northern people feel kindly toward the people of the South, and desire the instant admission of their Representatives. It adds: It is a majority of Congress, elected while the war was still raging, representing the war feeling of that day, and hopelessly fanatical, who firmly resolved that the Southern States shall not, as long as they can prevent it, "participate in even the most trivial note of legislation." Quotations of Uncurrent Bank Notes BY G. W. CRAWFORD & CO., GALVERTON. [[table, 2 columns]] Bank of New Orleans | 60c. Louisiana State Bank | 60c. Bank of Louisiana | 40c Union Bank | 70c. Merchants' Bank | 55c. Crescent City Bank | 70c VIRGINIA. Bank of Berkeley | 75c. Bank of Commerce | 25c. Bank of Old Dominion | 25c. Bank of Wheeling | 75c. Corporation of Georgetown | 75c. Fairmont Bank | 75c. Northwestern Bank | 70c. NORTH CAROLINA Bank of Newberry | 20c People's Bank | 55c. Northwestern railroad Bank | 15c Union Bank | 50c GEORGIA. Bank of Middle Georgia | 55c Bank of Havannah | 35c. Central Railroad and Banking Company | 75c. Georgia Railroad and Banking Company | 75c. Maribe Bank | 50c ALABAMA. Bank of Mobile | 50c. Bank of Montgomery | 75c. Bank of Solpin | 20c. Commercial Bank | 20c. Central Bank | 20c. Easters Bank | 40c. Northern Bank | 35c. Southern Bank | 60c. TENNESSEE. Bank of Commerce | 40c. Bank of Knoxville | 40c. Bank of Paris | 45c. Bank of Memphis | 40c. Bank of Middle Tennessee | 70c. Buck's Bank | 80c. Northern Bank | 80c. Doobe Bank | 25c. Planters' Bank | 40c. Shelbyville Bank | 60c. Traders' Bank | 40c. Union Bank | 40c. [[/table]] All Banks not named in our quotations are of irregular and doubtful value. G. W. CRAWFORD & CO., Exchange Bank, Galveston. HU. T. SCOTT, GENERAL AGENT AND COLLECTOR [[?]], Hope, Exchange and Real Estate Broker Morris Building, over J. R. Morris Store, HOUSTON--TEXAS. Will give strict attention to business entrusted to him. Texas Lands, City Lore, Residences and Business [[?]] for sale, lease or rent. Agencies for collections of rents, notes and accounts solicited. Block, Exchange and Currency, Gold and Silver bought and sold [[?]] [[?]] Ja[[?]] NEW GOODS AND CHEAP GOODS!! [[flourish]] Bought during the recent decline in New York, and RECEIVED BY THE LATEST SHIPMENT: 15 cases American Prints; 20 de Bleached Domestics; 25 bales Brown do (all brands;) 5 [[?]] Bed Ticks- ....ALSO.... 8 cases French Prints; 90 do do Co[[?]]; 10 cases Hats; WHITE GOODS, of all descriptions. The above Goods are offered to the public at a very small advance on New York cost. Come, see and judge for yourself. H. BLUM & CO., E. S. WOOD'S BUILDING Strand street, Galveston, Texas. [[column 2]] GALVESTON CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY, GLAVESTON. IRON and wood work, Painting, Trimming and Finishing, as well as repairing of soy and all parts of Carriages, Buggies, and Cabs, done neatly and promptly, and with as fin a finish as any other establishment in the city. I have for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers, a LEATHER RESTORATIVE, invested by myself, which I guarantee will renovate old and weather beaten Leather Harness, Buggy-tops, Bridles, Etc., so as to give them the appearance and durability of new work. All my work fully guaranteed. Shop on Church street, next door [[west?]] of the Methodist Church, Galveston. [[Fe25-d1y?]] JOHN M. STOW Dr. TOWSBY, PHYSICIAN [[AOOOUCHER?]] Office and Residence at Dr L. R. E. monson's [[?]] Fe21 Post Office Street, Galveston. dly[[?]] T.MATHE, (Late Mother, Hughes & Sunders,) COTTON AND WOOL FACTOR, -AND- GENERAL COMMISION MERCHANT . D. Pratt's Cotton Gin for sale. KUHN'S BUILDING, Fe21 Strand, Galveston, exam. dtf DR, JAMES ANGELL, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN (Near the Island City House,) GALVESTON, TEXAS. [[ja6?]\] [[d6m?]] W.A. HERMITAGE HOUSE, SIGN, ORNAMENTAL -AND- Steamboat Painter, Twentieth st, bel. the Market and Custom-House, Galveston, Texas, Glazing, Papering, Carriage Painting, etc. [[ja2?]] dtf GEORGE BUTLER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HENDLEY'S BUILDING, GALVESTON, Will receive Cotton and other Produce for sale on this market, or for shipment to his friends in New Orleans, New York or Liverpool, and will make them liberal cash advances on the same. Goods will be purchased in the above named places on orders, if satisfactory arrangements are made with him. Galveston, August 6. 1866- [[?]] P. H. HENNESSY, TIN, SHEET-IRON, AND COPPER WORKER .... ALSO .... 0WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Parlor, Hall, Office and Cooking stoves; Hard Coal & Charcoal Furnaces, Coffee Roasters, Flat Irons, Lift and Force Pumps. Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware Constantly on hand at lowest wholesale prices. Roofing, Spouting and Gutters, Does at the shortest notice, and fully warranted. Tarmont St., Galveston, Tex. Ja1 [[d6m?]] Fresh Meat. THE undersigned has opened a MEAT STALL in the Galveston Market, and engages to furnish the very best Beef, Pork, Mutton, etc., to be [[?]], and at the Lowest prices. No customer shall have cause to complain of prices, or weights, or quality of meats. H. JOURNEAY. Galveston, Nov. 29- [[dtf?]] J.S. SELLERS | W.H. SELLERS J.S. SELLERS & CO., General Commission and Shipping Merchants GALVESTON, TEXAS RESPECTFULLY ask consignments of COTTON, WOOL, HIDES, and Produce Generally. Our Wool Department will have the personal supervision of our W. H. Sellers, whose long experience in New York city will, it is hoped, enable us to render full satisfaction to all who may favor us with staple Special attention will be given to the execution of orders for every description of MERCHANCDISE June [[28?]] [[11?]] W. D. KELLEY, M. D | JOHN M. HADEN, M. D Drs. Kelley & Haden, Office--Corner of Tremont and Church Streets, GALVESTON. Ja10 [[dtf?]] The Insurance Company -OF THE- VALLEY OF VIRGINIA WINCHESTER, VA. Cash Capital | $175,000 This Company, organized under a PERPETUAL CHARTER granted by the Legislature of Virginia, 1832, upon a firm and reliable basis, now ranks, in view of its stability, soundness and permanency, is one of the first Insurance Companies of the United States. Insurances can be effected with its Agency in Galveston, AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE on Cotton in [[Field?]] or in Warehouse, Dwellings and Contents, Warehouses, Stores, Merchandise, Mills, Manufactories, Machinery and Stock, Hotels, Fabric Buildings, Colleges, Seminaries, Halls, Bridges, Boats, Personal Property generally, in City, Town, or Country, throughout Eastern Texas. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] The lowest rates if premium are charged that can be adopted and furnishing requisite security to the [[measured?]] and perpetuity of the Company. Losses Equitably Adjusted -AND- PROMPTLY PAID ALL BUSINESS TRANSACTED WITH DISPATCH AND FIDELITY Apply to IRVING WILLIAMS, AGENT, (As J. S. & J. B. [[sydour?]]'s,) [[Fe94?]] STRAND, GALVESTON, TEXAS [[dly?]] WANTED- A Servant to Cook and Wash for a small family. Must come well recommended. Apply to [[Mal-die?]] FRANK [[KARJ?]] [[column 3]] MISCELLANEOUS. EVANS MULLER & BOHN, Wholesale Grocers, (Hendley's Building,) STRAND, GALVESTON. AGENTS FOR Stout, Dye Wicks' Preserves & Pickles; Tracy & Russell's CHAMPION ALE; Wicks' CUMBERLAND SAUCE; Empire Spring Water, Saratoga; Redhead's Baking & Pastry Powder; JOHN GIBSON, SONS & Co.'s OLD ALLEGHANY; and all their other WHISKIES, copper distilled We have on hand and constantly arriving, large stocks of [[Items arranged to form a form a V shape]] Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, Segars, Cheese, Butter, Fruit, Starch, Nuts, Corn, Flour, Soap, [[return to normal column]] Wines and Brandies, in store and bond: [[forming a diagonal line/staircase from top left to bottom right]] Candles, Preserves, [two words distorted by crease]], Spices, Malt, Hay, Potatoes, Onions, Cider, [[return to normal column]] CHAMPAGNE, WHISKIES, Willow Ware, [[word distorted by crease]] Ware, etc. We will [[?]] at small profits. Look at our goods and get out prices before purchasing. [[de23-dtf?]] F. W. & C. M. SMITH, AGENTS NEW YORK DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWS, 13 St, Charles Street, (Room No. 1, ground floor.) NEW ORLEANS: HAVING been appointed Agents for the New York Daily and Weekly News, we would respectfully solicit the patronage from the people of the South and West. The News is a most excellent Family Journal and as an advertising medium is unequalled; all know its character and no one can deny its devotion to the principle of Equality and Popular Rights. All persons wishing [[one word entirely and another partially distorted by crease]]-ibe or advertise, will do well to band in their [[word distorted by crease]]. Persons from the country will have their orders promptly filed. Farmers having Lands for sale would do well to advertise in its catalog, as its extensive ciculation offers great advantages in that [[line?]] OUR FARMS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Daily News mailed to subscribers, single copies one year, | $10 0 Daily News mailed to subscribers, single copies, six months, | 6 00 Weekly, one copy, one year, | 2 00 To Clergymen, Weekly, | 1 60 For further information call upon us, or address by mail us above F. W. & C. M. SMITH Agents [[?]] New Orleans, [[?]] PATENT MEDICINES, &o. Pills, Sarsaparilla, Wistar's Balsam, Wild Cherry, Drake's and Hostetter's Bitters, R. Relief Pain Killer, Rx [[Buchu?]], Eye Water, [[Rx?]] Opium, Magnesia, Hatr-[[one word partially and two fully distorted by crease]] Restorer, Mrs. Windslow's Syrup, Rx Ginger, [[one word partially and four words fully distorted by crease]] -lings' Syrup, [[word distorted by crease]] May Rum, Port Wine, Philadelphia Porter, Lemon Syrup, Sweet Oil, Indigo, Washing Soda, Pepper, Spices, Nutmegs, Arrow [[?]], [[?]] Ayres' [[Pectoral?]] CONGRESS WA-[[ink wear]] For sale by LABADIE & BARSTOW Galveston, [[?]] DRUGS AND MEDICINES- Camphor, Opium, Rhubarb, Kp Salts, Henna, Tartaric and Citric Acid, Iodide Potassa, Chloric Potassa, English Blue Mass, Calcimol, Quinine, Morphine, Tanin, Piperin, Bismith, Powdered Barks, Gum Arabic, Castor Oil, Liquorice, 96 per cost. Alcohol, Spirits Nitre, Ammonia, Nitric Acid, Gallic and Benzoic Acid, Scrub, Zinc, Mustard, Gum Myrrh, Gum Guancum, White Glue. For sale by LABADIE & BARSTOW. Galveston, Sept. 1 1865-dtf PAINTS [[?]] &o- Linseed Oil, Turpentine, White Lead, Varnishes, Paint and Marking Brushes, Yellow Ochre, Wh-[[distorted by crease]], Umber, Sienna, [[One?]] P. Paint, Chalk, Black Lead, [[one word distorted by crease]] Oil, &o., &o. For sale by LABADIE & BARSTOW Galveston, Sept. 1, 1866-dtf B. HUBERT BOONVILLE, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, (16 miles beyond terminus of Central R. R. at Millican,) IS well prepared and will act as GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT: Buy Cotton, Wool, Hides and Country Produce generally: Will also receive and sell all kinds of Goods (consigned to him) for the money and make prompt return. If informed of shipments in time, his own wagons will be waiting at Millican to receive and haul up consignments. B. HUBERT, P. M. Boonville, also District Clerk for the Country. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Refers to any one in Brazos Country. [[oct?]]20 d[[?]] HENRY SAMPSON, Cotton and Wool Factor, -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANT, Houston | Texas WILL receive on consignment, for sale or shipment, Cotton, Wood and Western Produce. Liberal cash advances made on consignments to F. J. [[Houston?]] [[Esq.?]], Commission Merchant, New Orleans. [[ja?]] [[d2m?]] GEORGE L. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARSHALL | TEXAS [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] [[refers?]] to Hill & Hill, Houston, [[ja10-d&tw1y?]] DAVIDSON'S SYRINGES, Glass Syringes, Metalic Syringes, [[Pres?, Vials- all kinds from 1 to 6 ounces. For sale by LABADIE & BARSTOWN. Galveston, Sept. 1, 1866-dtf N. D. LABADIE | E. T. BARSTOW LABADIE & BARTSTOW Importers and Dealers in Drugs and Medicines Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Colors Fire Brick, Garden Seeds, &o., &o., &o., CORNER OF MARKET AND TWENTY-SECOND STREETS GALVESTON, TEXAS. July11tf Nolen & Steers, [[23rd?] ] Street and [[Boston?]] Avenue NEW YORK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL [[TRAINED?]] in all kinds of LUMBER, MANUFACTURORS OF [[?]] [[O.?]] K. KING & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. CASH ADVANCES on Shipments of Cotton, Wool, &o [[?]] house will be made by GEORGE BUTLER, (Hendley's building,) August 6 dtf Galveston HOFFMAN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS 26 WHITEHALL STREET, NEW YORK. New York, October 11, 186[[6?]]--d[[?]] [[column 4]] HOUSTON. "The Office." THE OFFICE is open daily, from 4 o'clock A. M. to 10 o'clock P. M. to transact business. The finest of Wines and Liquors always on hand. [image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Free Lunch daily from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. F BUELL N. N. Those who have not yet learned the way of "The Office." will find it opposite the market, and under the "Now." F. B. Houston, Feb 24th 1866. d1m J. N. DANIEL Hutching's Building, opp. Husk House, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Groceries, DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, woodware, hollowware, Cutlery and Plantation Stores generally. UP COUNTRY merchants and planters are only invited to give him a call before purchasing as he is determined to give satisfaction. Call and see him. Ja11 dtf 200,000 Acres TEXAS LANDS FOR SALE In all Parts of the State. FOUR CATTLE RANCHES, stocked, and in running order, with 2,000 head of Cattle. Horses, mules, wagons and poultry cultivated, with plenty of water. Good buildings. Also- A splendid Sheep Ranche in Bandera country, 42 miles from San Antonio, with 2,000 sheep- 100 full-blood Rams. Plenty of water- good buildings and implements. Liberal terms and per centage deducted for cash. [[Fe18-dtf?]] BU. T . SCOTT. J. C. CONLIFF & Co., APOTHECARIES AND DRUGGITS, AND DEALERS IN FANCY ARTICLES, PAINTS, VARNISHES, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Kerosene Oil, LAMPS, etc West of Post Office, Corner Congress and Fannin Streets, Houston | Texas WILL keep constantly on hand A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF EVERYTHING IN THEIR LINE At the Very Lowest Market Rates Particular attention given to the compounding of physicians' prescriptions, at all hours, day or night. Persons desiring the services of the city physicians can, by leaving their address here on their respective [[slates?]] obtain them without delay. Fe20-dtf WILLIAM CHRISTIAN, GROCER & COMMISSION MERCHANT Congress Street, HOUSTON, TEXAS. HAS on hand, and IS CONSTANTLY RECEIBVING THE CHOICEST OF GROCERIES. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]]Consignments solicited. [[?]] Special attention given to the sale of Sugar, Flour, and Molasses. de23-d1y E. L. MASSIE, M. D. [[image]] a mortar and pestle [[/image]] Druggist and Apothecary, [[image]] a mortar and pestle [[/image]] [[?]] MAIN ST., ABOVE THE "[[GREEN?]] STORE," HOUSTON, HAS ON HAND Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes- In fact, every article usually found is a well-appointed Drug Store. Dr. Massie takes great pleasure in informing the citizens of Houston, that he has engaged the services of Mr. H Applewhite, a skilled Pharmaculist and Chemist who is favorably known by the Medical profession throughout the State Mr. Applewhite has charge of the Prescription Department. Prescriptions compounded at all hours OF THE NIGHT WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] SOZODONT, a most excellent Dentifrice, at wholesale or retail, "Marsden's Pectoral Balm." [[doc20-d3m?]] E. L. MASSIE. B. TUFFLY Manufacturer and Dealer in Confectionaries, HAS on hand a complete assortment of Fancy and Plain CANDIES; FIRE-CRACKERS AND FIREWORKS; TOYS in wood, tin and candy; CAKES, iced and ornamented to order. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Store on Franklin street, next door to Colonel Gentry's residence. Houston, Dec. 13-d8m J. W. OLIVER Attorney and Counsellor at Law, HOUSTON, TEXAS: WILL practice his profession in the Counties of Harris, Galveston, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Colorado, Austin, Washington, Brazos, Grimes, Montgomery, Liberty, Jefferson and Orange, and give special attention to the Collection of Claims throughout the State. Will also do a General Land Agency business, and attend to the buying, selling, and renting of Real Estate. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Office corner of Main and Congress streets, up stairs. [[sep19-ly?]] Nations and Fancy Goods. WHOLESALE STOCK- we are now able to offer to the trade, at our normal wholesale rates, a trade stock of the above goods, consisting of Tooth Brushes, Horn Tuck-Combs, Rubber do, Buffalo do, do Pocket do, Horn do do; Rubber do do do; Clear do do do, Superfine Ivory do, B B fine do do, Rosch Cloth Brushes, Shaving do do; Hair assorted do, Feather Dusters, Marking Brushes, Briar-wood Pipes, Real Meerschaum, Imitation Meerschaum do, Pipes, Violin Strings, Guitar do, Steel Spectacles, German Silver do, Silvered Thimbles, Steel do, G. sliver do, Tailors' Tape Measures, Watch Keys, Italian Violins, French and German do; Buck Purses, Leather Traveling Bags, Fish Hooks, Fishing Lines, Pants Buttons, Patent Thread, White Spool do, Colored do. PERFUMERY- Fancy Extracts, Lubin's do, Phalen's do, Barney's do, Sozodont, Lily White, Rose-lead Powder, Perfume Boxes, Pearl Tooth Powder, Tooth Soap, Batchelor's Hair Dye, Christadoro's do, Cologne & gross assorted, Silver Spectacles, Thimbles, Wood Chessmen, Bone do, [[?]] Playing Cards, Player's do, Highlander do, [[?]] do, Mogul, [[?]] do do, [[?]], Indelible Ink, Wax Tapers, Station and Pencils, Clay and Fancy Marbles, Hand Mirrors, G. Silver Cigar Lighters, Silver do, Gold do, Chalk Crayons, India Ink, Jewsharpe, Ladies Belts, Ladies [[?]], Bead Necklaces, [[?]], Belt Buckles, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Scissors, [[?]], Fancy [[?]], Merchandise Tags, Match Boxes, Gold Pens, Pens and Penholders, [[?]], [[?]]. K. H. [[?]] & Co. [[dr81?]] [[-tf?]] POCKET BOOKS- CALF WALLETS- 100 dox. assorted Pocket Books just received from the manufacturers in New York. The demand for this class of goods increases every day. We are enabled to supply the trade at very low figure. de31-tf B. [[?]]?. CUSHING & Co. AND everything the good people want- de31-tf GARRY & KLEIBER LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES ON CONsignments of COTTON to our friends in Liverpool. W. [[?]]. SORLEY & CO. Galveston, Nov. 24, 1865[[?]] [[column 5]] NEWS JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. GALVESTON | HOUSTON WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY OF THIS BRANCH OF OUR ESTABLISHMENT. WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE NEWEST STYLES OF PLAIN AND FANCY JOB TYPE, PRESSES, &C., WE CAN EXECUTE EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING IN THE BEST STYLE, SUCH AS POSTERS, HAND-BILLS, PROGRAMMES, CATALOGUES, CHECKBOOKS, RAILROAD & STEAMBOAT WORK; AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MERCANTILE PRINTING. Our superior facilities enable us to EXECUTE ALLL ORDERS RAPIDLY, NEATLY AND CHEAPLY Ruling & Bookbinding OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY EXECUTED September 2, 1866 S. L. ALLEN | H. R. PERCY | WH [[?]] S. L. ALLEN & CO., Receiving, Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, WAREHOUSE - At the Junction of Buffalo and White Oak Bayou, adjacent to the Cotton Press, HOUSTON, TEXAS, HAVING ample accommodation, are prepared to receive Cotton, Wool, Hides, &o., on storage. Strict attention given to Cotton or other Produce sent to us for sale or shipment. Will also attend to the filling of orders when accompanied by cash or produce Houston, July 18, 1866-d1y [[column 6]] AUCTIONEERS. S. L. HOHENTHAL & CO. AUCTION -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, MAIN STREET, HOUSTON, TEXAS Liberal Cash Advances made on Merchandise consigned to us. AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY at half0past 9 o'clock, A. M. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]]Parties sending Goods to be sold at Auction will lease send one day previous to sale. JAMES HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER, Houston, December 12, 1866- dtf J. S. & j. b. SYDNOR, AUCTION -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CONGRESS STREET, HOUSTON, STRAND STREET, GALVESTON: WILL MAKE LIBERAL ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS OF ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE AUCTION SALES EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. September 7, 1865-dtf AMBLER, ALLEN & CO., HUTCHINS' BUILDINGS. MAIN STREET, HOUSTON, TEXAS J.E. CONDICT & CO., 55 and 57 White St., New York A.S. AMBLER & CO., STRAND GALVESTON, TEXAS. EXCLUSIVELY SADDLERY -AND- SADDLERY HARDWARE, HARNESS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, (OF EVERY DESCRIPTION,) SADDLERS' TOOLS -AND- TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. Cotton, Wool and Hides taken in Exchange. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] WE CALL THE ATTENTION OF Country Merchants to the above. Our Manufacturing Department is under the supervision of Mr. ANDREW LIVINGSTOIN, formerly of Natchez, Mississippi, whose long experience of thirty years is a sufficient guarantee for the superiority of our work. TEXAS TREES- of Gillett's, Neebs', Senders', [[Hack's?]], and other celebrated makers- always on hand, and filed up to order. FRESH GOODS ARRIVING by every [[?]]. AMBLER, ALLEN & CO. Houston, Oct, 21, 1866-tf FOR SALE, SUPERIOR Oak-tanned Sole and Harness LEather. [[?]] JAMES SORLEY, Strand, Galveston [[column 7]] HOUSTON . E.H. WILSON & CO., TRAVIS ST., NEXT TO THE NEWS OFFICE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Staple Goods, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Houston, Nov. 18, 1865- d1y W.P. HILL | E. P. HILL HILL & HILL ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HOUSTON, TEXAS. OFFICE- Old Court-House, up stairs, south room. Houston, October 27, 1865. [[sop30?]] Fannin House, HOUSTON, TEXAS. THE undersigned informs his friends and the travelling public generally, that the above well known House is now open for the reception of guests. His table will be supplied with the best the markets afford. J. H. MURRAY Houston, November 10- d&twtf A FULL SUPPLY OF FRESH AND GENUINE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE -BY- W. H. ELLIOT, DRUGGUST, PRESTON STREET, Near Court-House Square, Houston. ....ALSO.... PURE BRANDY, SHERRY, MADEIRA and Port wines, and Genuine Holland Gin, (for medical use,) warranted to be equal to any Liquors now in this market. ELIOT'S COUGH MIXTURE, For Cutaneous Diseases- at 25 and 50 cents per bottle. ELIOT'S ITCH OINTMENT, At 50 cents and $1 per box ELIOT'S ANTI-CHOLERA AND DIAR RHOEA MIXTURE | at 25 and 50 cents per bottle. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] These valuable remedies (which are too well known to require recommendation or puffing) can be furnished at wholesale and retail A deduction of 33 1/2 per cent to dealers. nov19 dtf W . HENRY ELIOT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Preston Street, near Court House Square. ELIOT'S Diarrhoea & Anti-Cholera Mixture. A certain cure for Diarrhoea, Cholera morbus, Cholera, etc., And an instantaneous relief in cases of premonitory symptoms of Asiatic Cholera. At this season, when most persons are predisposed to complaints of this character, A REMEDY should be in every family, and no one should travel without it ELIOT'S DIARRHOEA MIXTURE IS A SOUTHERN MEDICINE, Composed of ingredients which grow spontaneously in Texas, and altogether different to the common quack preparations of the "North." PRICES PER BOTTLE | $1 00 | 50 | 25 (A deduction of 33 1/2 per cent, to Druggists.) PREPARED AND SOLD BY W. HENRY ELIOT, (Near the Court House Square,) Ja15 Houston. [[d1m?]] E. B. H. SCHNEIDER | W. A. PETTIT | H. BERLETH STORAGE COMMISSION -AND- FORWARDING MERCHANTS At the Old Stand of Peel & Dumble, Houston, Texas. KEEP constantly on hand a large and well-assorted stock of FEED of all kinds- Corn, Fodder, Hay, &o., and are prepared to receive, store or forward Merchandise and Produce to their care. [[Ja10d6m?]] 50 GROSS OF FANCY SOAPS- Arrived by the "Ashland," 50 gross, assorted. [[Char?]], McKean & Co.'s Soaps. We refer to the many merchants who have brought them of us, as to their quality. They are put up in good style, and do not soften in this climate. WE have a full stock of Hotel Palm variegated, White Castile, Mottled Castile, assorted colors and perfumes, Brown Windsor, Honey, Honey and Glycerine, Glycerine, [[Petroline?]], Naval, Military, Elden Flower, Bath, Rose, Boquet, Musk, Camphor and Glycerine, [[Pondine?]], Turtle Oil, etc. The trade is invited to call and examine our stock. de31-tf K. H. CUSHING & Co ANOTHER LOT OF GOLD PENS- Large Sizes for the Counting Room- We have, from the celebrated makers, [Mable?]], Todd & Co, an invoice of Gold Pens and fine Holders, ordered to meet the wants of our customers. Merchants and clerks desiring to commence the operations of the New Year with gold pen, will find a large stock of the large sizes, [[Now?]] 5, 6, 7 and 8, to select from. This stock is all 14-carat gold, in Ebony Holders, Silver and Ebony Reverse Holders, Telescopic Holders, India rubber Holder, do do Gold Mounted Screw Holders, do do do DOuble Slide Holders. Pens sold with or without holders. [[de31.u?]] K. H. CUSHING & Co. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. The celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal demand, is made from [[whited out]] forest material; is mild and emollient in its nature; fragrantly scented, and extremely beneficial in its action upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and [[Fine?]] Goods Dealers. [[Fe90-d1y?]] [[column 8]] NEW ORLEANS. WILLIAM E. READ | EDWARD R. HUNT. READ & HUNT, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, No [[21?]] MAGAZINE STREET NEW ORLEANS. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]]Careful attention to all orders entrusted to us. Wm. H. REDWOOD, of Texas, would be glad to see all Texans oct12 d6m SAM DEBOW & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERIES, Commission Merchants and Cotton Factors, 30 AND 31 NEW LEVEE STREET, NEW ORLEANS. M. X. BRENAN, Agent, Houston. OFFFICE- Kennedy's building, up stairs [[dec12d&tw3ns?]] CARPET WAREHOUSE, 19 | CHARTER STREET, NEW ORLEANS | 19 WE have in store, and offer at moderate prices, CARPETING of all kinds; Floor Oilcloth, of all widths and [[qualities?]]; Matting, white, checkered and fancy; window [[?]]; Cornices and Bands; Table and Piano Covers; [[?]] Mats; Coco Matting; Table and Enamel Cloth, &o A. BROUSSEAU & CO. New Orleans , [[?]] 1865-[[d6m?]] SHA[[?]] & CLARKS'S $25 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, LICENSED BY HOW, WHEELER & WILSON, GROVER & BAKER, SINGER AND BACHELDER. THIS machine is a perfect of marvel of simplicity and mechanical ingenuity, being almost entirely unlike all others, both in design and in principle; in fact, their capacity for work is even greater than that of most the High Priced Machines, while a child or a person who never saw a Sewing Machine of any kind, can learn to run it in a few minutes. They are beautifully ornamented and highly [[?]]. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] AGENTS WANTED for every City and Town in the State of Texas ; to whom a liberal discount will be allowed. For further particulars and illustrated circular, address WM. E. JERVEY, Sale Agent, 94 CAMP STREET, NEW ORLEANS. October 19, 18[[?]] NORTH, BRUSH & MASON, 86 CAVAL STREET, NEW ORLEANS, (SUCCESSORS TO THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND WELL KNOWN FIRM OF NORTH, SHERMAN & CO., NEW YORK,) INVITE the attention of the merchants of Texas to their large and varied stock of Fancy Goods, Stationery, Perfumery, Hosiery, Cutlery, Furnishing Goods, &c., &c. CONSISTING OF Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Spool Cotton, Needles, Pins, Hooks and Eyes, Ribbons, Braids, Tapes, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Scissors, Razors, Wallets, Fishing Tackle, Fans of all kinds, Hosiery and Gloves, Shirts and Drawers, Suspenders and Handkerchiefs, Collars, Travelling Bags, Pomades, Hair Oils, Soaps, Extracts, Cologne, Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Pencils, Inks, Memorandum Books, Blacking and Brushes, Mirrors, Pipes, &c., &c. New Orleans. Nov 7. 1865-[[d6?]] Revolvers, Derringers, -AND- SINGLE-SHOT PISTOLS. B L RIFLES FOR SPORTING AND ALL ARMS OF LATEST PATTERNS Agents for Maynard's and Ballard's Sporting Rifles. Also- Fixed Ammunition and Caps. For sale by J. MILLER & CO., KUHN'S BUILDING, [[?]] (up stairs), STRAND. [[d3m?]] Mrs. M. C. Halsey HAS OPENED A BOARDING-HOUSE FOR THE accommodation of the Traveling Public at HARRISBURG, Texas- convenient to the Depot and Landing. Harrisburg, Texas, Nov. 23-[[d3m?]] [column 9]] GALVESTON. Private Boarding and Rooms to Lot. MRS. J. D. WATERS can supply Private Boarders and a suite of lots to twelve Furnished Rooms, on Tremont street. Galveston, July 22, 1865-dtf Restaurant. CORNER TREMONT AND STRAND STREETS [[image]] profile of a fish [[/image]] GALVESTON. [[image]] profile of a fish [[/image]] BY WILLIAM D. PELAN. Oysters Wholesale and Retail. Fe10 d3m I. G. SEARCY | GEO. W. CARTER | H. H. BOONE SEARCY, CARTER & BOONE, Attorneys at Law. GALVESTON | AND | ANDERSON July5 dtf....[[ [deo3]? ]] Grimes county, Texas. BALLINGER & JACK ATTORNEYS AT LAW, aug11 [[?]] GALVESTON, TEXAS. [[image]] [[I think this is a lion with a big mane? unsure]] [[/image]] I. O. O. F. Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 6, Meets EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. Sojourning Brothers are invited to visit. Galveston, Sept. 8 1865-d1y LESLIE THOMPSON, General and Collecting Agent and Conveyancer. OFFICE- ON POST OFFICE STREET August 23, 1865-d1v GALVESTON, TEXAS. B. & A. KING, House, Sign, Ornamental, and Steamboat Painters. Paper-Hangers, Glaziers, &c., &c. (Next to Rosenberg's Iron Front Store,) MARKET STREET, GALVESTON. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] An assortment of Paints, Oil, Turpentine, Window Glass, and Sign Painting materials, always on hand. Galveston, Aug. 19, 1865-d1y HAMILTON BLAGGE, HENRY W. BLAGGE,} GALVESTON;} [[?]] P. PELL, New York city H BLAGGE & CO., General Commission Merchants, -AND- Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Merchandise ....OF ALL KINDS.... STRAND, GALVESTON, TEXAS: COMMERCE STREET, HOUSTON, TEXAS. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]]Office in New York city, 66 BROADWAY.[[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the previous paragraph[[/image]] SOLE AGENTS IN THE STATE OF TEXAS FOR Emery's Improved Cotton Gins, Howe's Celebrated Scales, Wilder's Powder and Burglar-proof SAFES. And Scovell's Planters' Hoes Galveston, Nov. 29, 1865-dtf HANS, GENGLER & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. THE undersigned beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that they have formed a copartnership under the firm of HANS, GENGLER & CO. We will keep constantly on hand a stock of TOBACCO, CIGARS ABD LIQUORS. We are agents for St. Louis and Cincinnati Lager Beer. We will give prompt attention to all consignments made to us. Orders from the country are solicited, and will be [[sent?] promptly. We have opened a store on Centre street, between Strand and Mechanic streets, opposite the Washington Hotel. M. HANS, of New Orleans; MAT. GENGLER, of Galveston; F. D. DINKELAKER, of Galveston. Galveston, August [[29?]], 1865-[[dtf?]] GALVESTON LUMBER DEPOT. TEN CARGOES FROM ST. JOHN'S BANGOR, New York, [[?]] and [[?]], containing ONE MILLION AND TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET WHITE PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK Cypress and Yellow Pine LUMBER, received and receiving of the following kinds, vix: 40 M | feet| Spruce | Dressed | Flooring; } 60 M | " | do | do | Ceiling; } Tongued and grooved and well seasoned. 24 M | " | White Pine| do | do; } 33 M | " | do | do | shelving and partition inch boards, dressed as one and two sides; 12 M | " | do | do | planks, 1 3/4 and 2 inches, dressed on one side; 120 M| " | do | do | planks, clear and seasoned, 1, 1 3/4 and 2 inches thick; 220 M| " | do | do | inch boards, low price; 45 M | " | Spruce,| do | do; [[60M?]]|" |Hemlock,| do | do; 30 M | " | weather and clapboards; 185 M| " | scantling, joists, sills, &c.; 240 M| " | wharf and bridge planks, sleeps, &c.; 24 M | " | Cypress boards and planks; 82 M | " | Yellow Pine assorted Lumber; 200 M| superior shaved Cedar Shingles; 100 M| Plastering Laths and Fence Pickets; .... And a large assortment of .... Calcasieu Yellow Pine Lumber; and White Pine Sash, Blinds and Doors, Will soon be added to the stock. All for sale in small and large lots, at the lowest market prices, by B.S. PARSONS & CO., At Safford's former Yard. Galveston, Oct, 19. 1865-dtf FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE GEORGE BUTLER, AGENT, GALVESTON IS PREPARED to cover by Fire Insurance Cotton in Warehouses and [[Prosses?]]: Goods and Merchandise, in Store, Dwelling-houses and Buildings: Also, to Insure Risks on Merchandise by Sea, or Inland Navigation, from [[?]] and places in Texas to [[?]] places in the United States or Europe, and vice versa. Policies will be issued by him in the following Companies: Phoenix Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New York. capital and assets | $1,600,000 Metropolitan Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New York, capital and assets | 750,000 Manhattan Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New York, capital | 500,000 Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New York, capital | 500,000 Security Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New York, Capital | 1,000,000 National Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New Orleans, capital | 500,000 [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] The above Companies are well known throughout the United States, as among the most reliable: they are entirely interdependent of, and not subject to, any Agent of the Marine Board of Underwriters of New York or New Orleans [[illegible due to wear]] [[image]] the profile of a wagon [[/image]] Wagons, Carts, etc. A small invoice of Philadelphia-made Iron-axletree HORSE AND OX WAGONS, And Dump-Carts-from the well known factory of Henry Simons- for sale by JAMES SORLEY, Ja17-dtf Strand. For Sale. A LOT OF SEVEN ACRES, within one hundred yards of Brazoria Court-House, highly improved, with a good Dwelling, Out-houses, and all that is necessary to comfort and convenience- fine shrubbery, shade-trees. evergreens, a large front yard, covered with a carpet of Bermuda grass, &c.- will be sold very low for cash or part cash | Address G, Brazoria, or apply at this office, Houston or Galveston [[?]] [[column 10]] PROTECTION AND THE WEST.- In its financial article the Chicago Times says: We have frequently pointed out the cause of the depression in trade, and again urge our business men to consider the facts we have presented. It is not a stagnation simply local in its character, induced by local causes, or springing from any hostility to Chicago, or to the want of proper facilities and advantages for the transaction of business, It is something broader and more serious than this. It is caused by the general depression of Western interests, by the low prices of produce and the high prices of everything our people are compelled to buy. Agriculture is paralyzed, and in obedience to the great laws of nature, all other interests sympathize with it. The sole cause of this depression is the "depression" given to the few manufacturers of the Eastern States, by robbery of American Industry. The Western people are too poor to endure the tariff, which is draining their pockets of everything; and, if our business men have any desire to remedy the existing evils as soon as possible, they will join in a unanimous protest against its continuance. If this tariff were broken down, the prices of merchandise would fall, the cost of production be diminished, and the present exorbitant rates of transportation would be reduced, and business regain its wanted activity and prosperity. Until this is done, business will languish, and each succeeding month witness the distress, stagnation and gloom intensified. The New Skirt. THE NEW SKIRT- THE NEW SKIRT. J. W. BRADLEY'S Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double) Steel Springs. It is pleasing to all Ladies and the public generally to know that another objection, which are so justly and generally found against the wiring of the stiff, unyielding and [[?]] single spring hoop skirts, have at least been entirely overcome in the manufacture of the universal favorite, called the "Duplex Elliptic" (or double) Spring Hoop Skirts. These skirts were introduced into the market a little over a year ago, by the inventor and patentee Mr. J. W. Bradley, of New York city. The positive advantages these posses over all spring hoop skirts that ever have or ever can be made, is that they will not bend or break like all single spring hoop skirts, but will preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more than twice as long as any single spring skirt which can be made, on account of the HOOPS being made of DUPLEX (or two) very [[freely?]] tempered STEEL SPRING ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together. There is combined in their manufacture superior flexibility, lightness, durability grace, comfort and economy. In all Crowded Assemblies, Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Promenade or Home Dress, they surpass all others, and are unequaled as they readily adapt themselves to any and every emergency and exigency, folding as easily as a Silk or Muslin Dress when brought in contact with any pressure whatever, and immediately resume their former grace and elegance the moment that pressure is removed, without subjecting the wearer to the least inconvenience, and finally making the Most Agreeable and Stylish Skirt ever Manufactured. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Inquire for the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE) SPRING SKIRT For sale by all merchants who sell first class Skirts throughout the United States Manufactured exclusively by WEST, BRADLEY & CARY. Sole proprietor of the Invention Office and Warerooms, 97 Chambers street and 79 and 81 [[Reade?]] street, New York city. Can be had wholesale of all the leading houses in New Orleans. nov30 [[?]] D. F. Holland, AGENT FOR THE BALTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. Cash Capital | $200,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, MO., Cash Capital | $250,000 NATIONAL BANKING INSURANCE COMPANY, ST. LOUIS, MO., Cash Capital | $200,000 JAMES RIVER INSURANCE COMPANY, HOWARDVILLE, VA., Chartered Capital | $1,500,000 -Will take- Fire, River, Railroad and Marine Risks ON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]]Property in the Country Insured.[[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Will pay Return Premiums of 10 per cent, on Fire and Railroad Risks, and 15 per cent on Marine and River Risks. Office, above James Sorley's. Fe8 STRAND, | GALVESTON [[d2m?]] THE BANK, Corner of Main and Congress Streets, Houston, Tex. R. W. DOWLING, President & Cashier and dealer in the following Exchange: BRANDY- Eau-de-Vie, De Cognac. RUM- Jamaica and New England, Geneva. WHISKY- A la Bourbon, a la Monongahela, a la Rye; CHAMPAGNE- Of all the brands of the Old or New World. CLARET AND PORT- De vintage of 1846; and a variety of other Liquors. Drafts and Acceptances Cashed at Sight. [[image]] hand with index finger pointing to the next paragraph[[/image]] Liberal discount made on deposits. The Proprietor of the Bank tenders his congratulations to his old customers and fellow citizens, and begs them not to forget Feb. 15 The Bank of Bacchus dem Allan's Book Store (Opposite Old Capitol,) HOUSTON, TEXAS: BOOKS, STATIONERY, AND MUSIC. On Hand, and constantly arriving, leading SCHOOL BOOKS, LATEST MUSIC, Miscellaneous Books, and STATIONERY generally, in lots to sell purchasers. Orders for any Book, or piece of Music publsihed, promptly attended to. H.L. ALLAN, Bookseller. Houston, October 1, 1866-d.w.& W f
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