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Galveston News.


NEWS OFFICE IN GALVESTON.——Business received at the Old Office on Tremont street next to Hauter's building....."NEWS PRINTING OFFICE," brick building on Market street, 3rd and 4th stories up stairs....Subscription, Advertising, Job Work, &c., &c., attended to promptly at either office. sep3——dtf

The patrons and friends of the Galveston News should bear in mind that any business with the Office may be done either at the Office in Houston, or at the old Office in Galveston.

Galveston subscribers will either receive their papers at the Galveston Office or at Dr. Labadie's, as heretofore, or they will be left by the Carriers, as they prefer.


We are authorized to announce Col. JOHN S. SYDNOR as a candidate for the office of Mayor of Galveston. Fe20-tf

We are authorized to announce CHAS. H. LEONARD as a candidate for re-election to the office of Mayor at the next municipal election Fe23

A partnership interest in the "News" Office having been agreed upon, dating from the 1st instant, it has become necessary to close up the past business so that date as soon as convenient. The business will hereafter be conducted in the name of W. Richardson & Co., until further notice.

Col. A. H. Rolo, for some months past in charge of the books of the office, is authorized to settle all previously existing accounts with the office, as well as to attend to any future business under the present firm name. W. RICHARDSON.
March 2d, 1866. dtw&wif

Since the late decided conflict between the President and the Radicals, the latter have been holding meetings at Washington and appointing a committee of one from each State "to circulate information as to public affairs." Sumner's scrap-book is one of the most prominent sources of the "information." We have already stated more than once our fears of the prostitution of the Northern press by the Radical majority in Congress. While, on the one hand, the most utterly false statements concerning the treatment of the freedmen, purporting to come from the South, will be manufactured to order by the thousand, if necessary, on the other hand, abundant means will be raised for their publication and gratuitous distribution. This shows the desperation to which the radicals are driven. Many of the statements in such manner that they will be seen only by accident by the friends of the President. Often they will not be answered, and when they are, the replies will not reach those who have been deceived by the reports.

Another of the tricks of the Radicals is to pass in all their meetings a resolution endorsing the President, followed at a respectful distance by another endorsing the majority in Congress. On such a platform they nominate men who are devoted to the Congressional majority and false to the President. Thus they hold for a time a large number of well disposed people who, having voted with the Republicans heretofore, would now vote to sustain the President, if the issue were fairly placed before them. This is the way the Radicals carried New York; and all their late successes have been achieved by this plan.

Never before has there been a party which would resort to such abject methods for the sake of success. Hating the President bitterly, and opposing him with the utmost zeal on every point in his policy, they yet stoop to the ignominy of endeavoring, to deceive his friends into their support.

We cannot but believe that these efforts show signs of weakness, and that their speedy exposure will only add to the completeness of the pending Radical defeat.

The Convention——War Debt——Suffrage.

On Saturday, 3d inst., Mr. Latimer, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, reported a bill repudiating the War Debt of the State. Three hundred copies were ordered to be printed.

The following section in the Legislative Department has passed in Committee of the Whole:

"Every free male person, who shall have attained the age of twenty-one years, and shall have resided in this State one year next preceding an election, and the last six months within the district, etc., in which be offers to vote, (Indians not taxed, Africans and descendants of Africans, excepted,) shall be deemed qualified electors, etc."

No person shall be a Senator or Representative, according to the Committee of the Whole, unless he has been a resident of the State for five years.

These amendments will probably be finally adopted by the Convention.

Henry Ward Beecher spoke on the night of the 20th, at New York, to one of the largest audiences he ever addressed, in favor of the President's veto. He said that ultra friends of the negro got so very near him that they failed to see him in his proper light, and that in their eagerness to do him a benefit, they were, by injuring everybody about him, doing him an essential injury. His argument in favor of the immediate admission of Tennessee and Arkansas was received with a storm of applause. Slavery being abolished, he declared himself satisfied, and would consecrate the remainder of his days in helping to build up the nation in fraternity, in unity, in virture and in happiness.

[[2nd column]]
The News.

In addition to what we give elsewhere by telegraph and from the mails, we condense the following from our exchanges:

On the 23d ult., after long discussion, the Lower House of Congress, by a vote of 92 to 31, ousted Mr. Voorhees, of Indiana, and gave his seat to the contestant, Col. Washburne.
Senator Wilson has introduced a bill to continue the Freedmen's Bureau in operation for two years from date, and give the commissioner power to secure all freedmen and refugees in their civil rights, including the right to buy and sell real estate and give evidence in the courts.

An effort is making by Democratic politicians to have Gen. Slocum appointed to Collector of New York. They feel confident of success.

The nomination of Peter Foy as Postmaster at St. Louis was rejected by the Senate on the 23d, by more than a two-third vote. This is a decided hit at the President.

Since the above was written we have seen a dispatch stating that the confirmation was not refused because of unfriendly feeling to the President, but because of personal hostility between the appointee and the two Missouri Senators.

The Democrats and Conservatives of Missouri held a meeting at St. Louis on the 23d, and adopted resolutions endorsing the Presidents course, sustaining the veto, and declaring that the regulation of suffrage belonged to the State, in favor of the admission of Southern Representatives, etc.

Gen. Forrest writes to the Memphis Avalanche that he fears no investigation of his conduct, and does not intend to leave the country.

Jesse R. Grant, father of the General, has been appointed Postmaster at Covington, Ky.

The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald says that at a cabinet meeting Secretary Seward was very positive in his endorsement of the veto. Secretaries McCulloch, Welles and Denison also approved the document, while Secretaries Stanton, Harlan and Speed opposed it. Stanton and Harlan were very decided in their opposition.

Another report says the cabinet are unanimous in support of the veto.

THE QUEEN'S SPEECH.——The Queen opened the English Parliament in person, on the 6th The following is the portion of the speech referring to this country:

I have observed with satisfaction that the United States, after terminating successfully the severe struggle in which they were so long engaged, are wisely repairing the ravages of civil war. The abolition of slavery is an event calling forth the cordial sympathies and congratulations of this country, which has always been foremost in showing its abhorrence of an institution repugnant to every feeling of justice and humanity.

I have at the same time the satisfaction to inform you that the exertions and perseverance of my naval squadron have reduced the slave trade on the West Coast of Africa within very narrow limits.

A correspondence has taken place between my Government and that of the United States with respect to injuries inflicted on American commerce by cruisers under the Confederate flag. Copies of this correspondence will be laid before you.

Mr. Rives Pollard told the correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer that Gen. Grant said if he had it in his power he would suppress the Cincinnati Inquirer and the New York News for their disloyalty.

The Empress of Mexico has purchased at Jerusalem what is said to be the site of the habitation of the Virgin Mary. The Empress intends to erect a magnificent chateau on the spot.

Ex-Governor Brown writes to a committee of the Georgia Legislature that it is injudicious to pass any freedmen's code or any law that discriminates between the races, so far as the courts are concerned, and tells them that all they want is a short statute, extending the provisions of the penal code to all persons of African descent, and extending to them all the civil rights enjoyed by white persons.

The Ways and Means Committee have agreed to report a bill taxing cottons 5 per cent, and allowing a drawback on manufactured goods, exempting all incomes under one thousand dollars, and taxing all above one thousand at the rate of 5 per cent. 

The Latest News.

NEW YORK, March 2.——The steamship Asia, from Liverpool, brings the following intelligence

From Europe.

Upwards of one hundred arrests were made in Dublin on the 17th, principally strangers. More arrests are expected.

It is reported that the Emperor of Austria expressed a willingness to furnish Maximilian any troops he may require, if they were incorporated into the Mexican army, and their expenses paid.

The diplomatic relations between Russia and the papal Court have entirely ceased.

The haste in the repeal of the habeas corpus in Ireland was owing to the reported departure of Fenian privateers from America. 

The Army and Navy Gazette says the troops in Ireland are being distributed amongst the smaller towns This has given a greater feeling of security.

Gladstone's budget will show three millions of pounds excess of income over expenditure. 
The London Times says the object of the Irish Government is doubtless to secure some of the emissaries of American Fenianism, now numerous in Ireland, and working with disastrous effect on the people.

The Daily News believes the Government has acceded to the proposition of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy in Ireland, and henceforth the Senate of the Queen's University of Ireland will consist of half Protestant and half Catholic members.

FRANCE——In a debate on the address to the Emperor, M. Persiguy contended that the English Parliamentary Institutions were unsuited for France. He said that the Emperor had given France double the liberty, founded on a solid basis of authority. After the debate the address was unanimously adopted.

The Bank of France gained fifteen millions of francs during the week, and reduced the rate of interest to 4 1/2 per cent.

SPAIN——The newly born child of the Queen of Spain died on the 14th.

ENGLAND——In the House of Commons, leave to suspend the habeas corpus act in Ireland was given by a vote of 364 to 5. The House of Lords passed it without opposition. 

A letter from Rome says it is believed that at the next consistory a bishop from the United States will receive a cardinal's hat. 

At a large meeting at Exeter Hall, under the auspices of the Freedmen's Aid Society, held to celebrate the passage of the constitutional amendment, a speck favoring the close union of England and America was fully applauded. 

WASHINGTON, March 1-Nothing important from the House. Nothing yet received from the Senate. 

The steamer Aurora sailed to-day with California mails. Amongst her passengers was Mr. Anson Burlingame, Minister to China. 

Gen. Rosencrans, Valvalenberg. Minister to Japan, and Lord Bishop Storby, of the Sandwich Islands, sailed in the Aurora to-day for California. 

The United States Revenue Committee on Petroleum will report a bill for the repeal of all duty on crude petroleum. The committee estimate that six millions of dollars will accrue from refined at 20 cents per gallon. 

The Herald's Fortress Monroe correspondent says Jeff. Davis's health continues good. At times he converses freely and agreeably upon all kinds of subjects. 

General Howard says the operations of the employment office to secure places for unemployed freedmen, is the only ground for the Herald's announcement of the reopening of the slave trade by the Freedmen's Bureau. 

LOUISVILLE, March 5——One armed Berry, whose execution was fixed for to morrow, has obtained a respite for fourteen days. 

NEW YORK, March 1.——Cotton frm 48 to 44c. Flour advanced 10c. Molasses dull-Orleans 95 to $1 10 Pork $28 37 1/4. Money steady, 6 to 7. Sterling 8 3/4. Gold 3[[?]]. Five-twenty coupons, 1862, 103 1/8; 1864, 102 7/8; seventy first series, 99 5/8; second and third series, 99 1/4 

CINCINNATI, March 1.——Flour steady. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn 53. Provisions dull. Pork $28 50. Bacon dull and unchanged. Lard 18 to 19. Groceries dull. Cotton dull at 40c. Whiskey dull at $2 25. 

WASHINGTON, March 1.——The Senate, until the expiration of the morning hour yesterday, were occupied teading a bill incorporating the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Company, authorizing it to construct a railroad from Springfield, Mo., to the Pacific coast, by a Southern route, and granting every alternate section of land along the routes to aid the work. 

NEW YORK, March 1.——A motion was made in the Superior court to-day, to set aside the injunction obtained against Thurlow Weed, to restrain him from assigning certain interests in the New Orleans and San Francisco Telegraph. The Court reserved its decision. 

The Baia has a rived at Halifax. Cotton closed to day at a droline of one quarter on the week's sales. On Friday the sales amounted to 10,000 bales. Consols 87 1/2u3/4. Five twenties 68 1/4.
LATER——Cotton firmer on Saturday but unchanged. 
Midding Uplands 19d.; Consols 87 1/2 to 87 5/8. 

NEW YORK, March 1.——The steamer Eagle from Havana on the 24th has arrived, with City of Mexico dates to [[?]] 10h. and Vera Cruz 13th. The Juarezists are reported defeated in Michoachan, many killed, and 650 captured; the remainder were dispersed. 

Pedro Martinez was defeated on attacking two squadrons of the Emperor's regiments on their way to Saltillo. Six hundred insurgents were defeated at Sonora 

Eleven hundred deaths from cholera are reported at Guadalupe prior to January first. Cholera is feared at Havana. 

A sort of cattle disease had appeared at Sierra Morena Large numbers of oxen died within twenty-four hours. 

The small-pox is increasing at Regia. 

Three escaped convicts from Tortugas were picked up in a small boat at sea and carried to Key West.
HALIFAX, March 1.——The [[?]], from Liverpool on the 17th has arrived. 

WASHINGTON, March 1.——There is the highest authority for stating that Secretary Stanton fully approves the President's action, and that the entire Cabinet as a unit in regard thereto. 

The Herald's Toronto dispatch says the Fenian alarm continues. Bank robberies are frequent. The latest instance is an attack on the Bank of Lennox by 25 men. 

NEW YORK, March 1.——The Times publishes the speech of M. F. Conway, formerly Congressman from Kansas, delivered in Richmond last evening, sustaining the President's policy and censuring the Radicals. 

The Governors of the British Provinces are holding council in Montreal. 

Editorial Correspondence. 

GALVESTON, March 5th, 1866. 

The steamship Austin came in yesterday about 12 M. I did not telegraph any items of news, as I thought is probable that the same had been received overland. The only matter of much interest will be seen to be the statement that "the entire Cabinet as a unit" in support of the President's action This statement is said to be on the highest authority, and if so,  we may conclude that the Radicals are at last defeated But I have some fears that this unanimous support by the cabinet is based on some compromise, that may amount to a partial triumph of radical principles.
The speech of Mr. Breber is the most important documents in the papers of the 21 inst. 

Among the passengers by the Austin, you will notice the name of our old fellow-citizen Mr. C. W. Adams. Many of his former friends will be glad to greet him. 

Our city has been very quiet for the past few days, owing no doubt to the prudent and judicious measures taken by Geo. Wright. It is fortunate for us to have a commander who is uninfluenced by the prevailing fanaticism of the day. 

This day we have an election of city officers. There are but six new Aldermen to be elected. I am glad to learn that all the old Board are in favor of such a compromise of the question in litigation with the City company, and I trust the new Aldermen will also favor a speedy compromise. The rights of property, amounting to some millions (even at present valuation.) once settled, and our city will enter upon a career of improvement herebefore entirely unprecedented. 

Capt. Scudder, our City Assessor and Collector, has now nearly closed up his labors for the present. As I have before stated the assessment of merchandise show that over three millions have been imported here since this port was opened, which is five or six times as much as was ever before imported in any year. W. R. 

FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL.——Gold has declined 1-2 per cent. since our last, owing to the downward tendency of the New York market, and to the heavy excess of the supply over the demand in this market. Sales were light yesterday, and the market closed flat, at 135a 1351 2, against 1351-2a136 on the previous evening. In silver the movement was restricted to $2500 American coin, at 130a132; Mexican dollars are held at 135a136. 

Cotton——The movement yesterday accounted to 3277 bales. The market was very quiet and inactive during the morning, as all parties were awaiting later Uuropean advices; but on receipt of the foreign news a very lively business transpired, as the intelligence from the other side, though not very satisfactory, was still less discouraging than had been generally apprehended. Quotations have gradually inclined to our outside figures from the opening of the week, and yesterday culminated in an advance of fully one cent per pound upon all classifications. The closing figures last evening, were, 37a40c. for ordinary, 41a42c,for good ordinary; 43a44c. for low middling; and 46c. for middling.——N.O. Crescent.

The Galveston City Company have lately had an election of officers. The following are the Directors and officers:

Directors——E.B Nichols, H. De St. Gyr, W. H. Goddard, J. Sleight, J. L. Darragh.

Officers——J.L. Darragh, President; J. P. Cole, Secretary.


See auction advertisement of S. L. Hohenthal & Co. Sale Commences at 9 1/2 o'clock,A.M., to-day, at their sales rooms, Main street.

The favorite passenger steamship Saragossa. will leave Galveston for New York on Friday next. See advertisement in another color of to-day's paper.

The Messrs. Sydnor, auctioneers, advertise to sell staple and fancy dry goods, groceries etc. Sale commences at 10 A.M. to-day

The fine passenger steamer Austin leaves for New Orleans on Thursday, at 4 P.M.

We call attention to the large and well selected consignments of staple and fancy dry goods, just received and to be closed out at quick sales and small profits by A. Sessums, Esq.

We have received from Mr. Elka, a bottle of "Heimstreet's Celebrated Hair Restorative." The testimonials of its efficacy in restoring hair to a dark color, are so strong and numerous that they seem to make any additional evidence quite superfluous  Still, we shall add our testimony to that of so many others as soon as we have been sufficiently rejuvenated by the use of this bottle, of which we cannot entertain the least doubt. Meanwhile, we commend to all to give it a trial by calling on our friend Eika.

MR. EDITOR: I have just made a visit to Galveston, and was particularly struck with that splendid dry goods store of Arnold & Bro., in the four-story iron-front building on Market street. That establishment is scarcely surpassed in attractiveness by any in Broadway, New York. No one can pass it without being arrested, especially after dark, by its splendid show-windows and brilliant gas-lights. It seems to be the general resort of the ladies. The Messrs. Arnold are constantly in the receipt of heavy invoices, but they seem to go off almost as fast as received. They showed me their "wholesale department" in the second story, which is filled with tables loaded down with solid piles of spring and summer goods of every description, and the employees of the store were busily engaged in opening more boxes and bales that had just arrived, while others were packing up other boxes with goods that had just been sold to be sent to different parts of the State. Those visiting Galveston should not fail to call on the Arnolds, whether they wish to buy or not. All are politely received, and, if I may judge from such goods as I priced, they will fill ordinary orders quite as low as they can be filled in New York. 

Administrator's Notice.

The undersigned having been appointed, at the February term, 1865, of Harris County Court, Administrator of the estate of James C. Hay, dec'd, all persons having claims against said estate will present the same within the time prescribed by law

J. G. Rost... W. T. Dobson
mar8 tw3m&aw (3 doors west of the Theatre.)

Richmond, Texas.

Will practice in the Court of Fort Bend at Richmond: Refers to Hon J. S Sullivan——Brazoria at [[?] Refers to Col J. Y. Herndog at Matagorda at Matagorda: Refers to Dr. Pearson; Wharton at Wharton Col J.N. Daniels——Harris at Houston: Refers to W.I. [[?]]——Austin at Bellville: Refers to Maj. J.E. Grace——Fayette at LaGrange: Major W.R. Jarmon——[[?]] at Columbus: Hon Geo. W. Smith, [[?]] in the Supreme Court at Galveston. Refers to T.H. McMahan, First National Bank, J. B. & O. A. Jones, Attorneys at Law, Galveston.
An office is [[??]] with W. Fort Smith, Esq.

Walter Andrus is associated as business partner.
[[??]] special attention to Probate and Collections.

Administrator's Notice.

Letters of Administration on the estate of F.C. Thompson, deceased, were issued to the undersigned at the February term, 1866, of the Probate Court for Harris county. All persons having claims against the said estate, are notified to present the same within the time prescribed by law.
Ma8-wcw  Geo. Goldthwaite, Adm'r



All persons holding claims against L.B. Houston for the transportation of Government supplies from Dayton to San Antonio, will please present the same immediately for collection at the store of Jno. R. Brooks & Co., Columnbus, Texas. Ma8-c?

For New York Direct.

Regular U.S Mail line of First-class Steamships
The fast-sailing and A1 Steamship
Saragossa, CROWELL....Commander, 
Will be dispatched for the above port on Friday, March 9, at 4 P.M.
For freight or passage, having unsurpassed accommodations, apply to T.H. McMahan & Gilbert, Agents, Galveston

For New Orleans Direct.

The Fast-sailing First-class Steamship
AUSTIN, Scrimgeour....Commanding,
Will sail positively for the above port on Thrusdy, March 8, at 4 P.M. For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to W.H. Nichols & Co., J.H. Lockhard, Agents

New Goods! New Styles!

Ackerman & Neurath,
Merchant Tailors,
Main Street, Houston, Texas.

Have just received a large and well selected stock of Spring and Summer Cashmeres, Light and Dark Colored Cloths, French Merino, Checked and Solid Colored Linens, Shirtings, Collars, Neck-ties, &c. In fact, a complete assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing goods. We invite our friends to call and examine our goods as we believe they are equal or superior to anything in this market. 
Ackerman & Neurath
Houston, March 6, 1866 dif


Stolen, from my premises, "the old Clark place," 2 miles below Egypt, on the night of the 28th February last, my Black Horse, saddle and bridle. The horse is branded 2 on the shoulder, and has a deep scar on his rump above the root of his tail. The thief is a negro boy, about 19 years old, griff color, slow spoken, talks Spanish; had on a red striped flannel shirt and black hat. I will pay $20 reward for the delivery to me, at my place, of the thief and horse. 
Joseph S. Anderson
Wharton county, March 6, 1866 tw1m


Just received, and opened,
For Sale:
A Large Stock of Spring Goods, 
Consisting of
Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Hats, Clothing, Cutlery, Denims, Brown and Black Domestics, Cambric Fabric, Checks, Stripes, Tickings, Damask, Toweling, Napkins, Linens, Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Cutlery, Shirts, Bed-spreads, Hose, Hoop-shirts, Thread, Buttons, Gingham, Chambry, Borage, Half-hose, Flannels, and other articles too tedious to mention. At A. Sessums.' 
Ma6 dtwin


By mutual consent, the firms of Padgett & Ledyard Galveston, and Padgett, Ledyard & Co. Houston, Texas are this day dissolved.

W.H. Ledyard assumes the liabilities, and will attend to the unsettled business of Padgett & Ledyard, Galveston.

N.A. Padgett and J.W. Landingham assume the responsibilities, and will attend to the unsettled business of Padgett, Ledyard & Co., Houston.
N.A. Padgett
W.N. Ledyard
J.W. Landingham
Houston, Texas, March 1, 1866. d10t

Soda Fountain for Sale.

A complete soda water apparatus, With all the necessary Extracts to serve syrups, syrup bottles, marble dust, arrow root, soda water glasses, a few ice-cream freezers, new patent; For Sale by S.M Loeb & Co. Ma6 d1m

Ale! Ale!
50 Cases Aspinall's (plain) Pale Ale——
(Seven dozen in a cask.)
For sale at S.M. Loeb & Co.'s
Ma6 d1m

Thomas P. Aycock 
Owensville, Robertson county, Texas.
Practice in Robertson, Leon, Milam, Brazos, Limestone, Falls, and McLenann counties  Ma5 [[?]]

J.G. McDonald .... J.G. Durant
McDonald & Durant
Attorneys at law,
Anderson, Grimes County, Texas. 
Will practice in the Counties of Grimes, Walker, Montgomery, Madison, Loes, Robertson, Brazos, Austin, and Washington, and also in the Federal Court at Galveston.

Will also [[?]] Real Estate Agents in the above counties.

Refer to——J.T. & Wm Brady, Houston and Galveston,; Hon G.w. Frost, Hy Hendricks & Co., Houston; Col H.B Andrews, Dr. A.S. Lipscomb, Galveston. Ma4 tw0m

Boarding——Regular or Transient Boarders can be accommodated at Mrs. Hludman's, on the Public Square, near the Episcopal Church, Galveston. Ma3-d3m

For Sale——A few bales of good PRINTING PAPER 33 by 36. Apply at this office.


Tuesday, March 6, 1866.

Houston Local.

Recorders Court. Judge Hadley, Presiding.——Geo Scott charged with disorderly conduct, and firing a pistol within city limits, in violation of ordinance. Pleaded "guilty" and was fined %5 and costs.

L. Lewis and Jas. Leigh were brought up for disorderly conduct and fighting. The first fined $10 and the latter $5 and the costs.

Paddy McLoud, (f.w.c.) charged by Jesse Parker (f.w.c.) with fighting and beating her, fined $5 and costs, and committed.

MARSHALL LORD has returned from New Orleans. He succeeded in making arrangements for the purchase of machinery for the dredge boat which is being built by the city for permanent use in Buffalo Bayou. 

He also informs us that he examined the police system of the Crescent City - was initiated into its secret and complex workings, and proposes to introduce some improvements in our City Police, which will greatly tend towards the suppression of depredations and the discomfiture of "the thugs" and other characters who roam at night, because "their deeds are evil."

Our friend, Julles Alber, at the Rusk House, has just received a large lot of fine Havana cigars, equal, or superior to, any to be found in this city.

"The coat does not make the man," still every gentleman wishes to make a decent appearance before the world. We know of no better way of doing so than to call on our good friends, Messrs. Ackerman and Neurath, Main street, Houston, and get them to make up a suit in their usual elegant, fashionable style. Thy have just received a large assortment of spring and summer goods which, on examination, we pronounce superior to anything we have lately seen. We had work done in their establishment to our entire satisfaction, and we are considered rather fastidious in our taste. It is with pleasure that we recommend them to our friends.

Illness last week prevented us from devoting much attention to the local column, which will explain to our readers the cause of any shortcomings which they may have observed.

The kindness we met with, however, almost reconciles one to the inconvenience and suffering to which "flesh is heir."

A lady in Culpeper, Va., recently gave birth to three bouncing boys, which have been christened respectively——Lee, Jackson, and Hill.——Ex.

Congress is bothering itself and spending the people's money trying to regulate the labor system in the South. The New York Record  very sensibly says that if Congress would adjourn and go home, it is probable the Southern labor question would soon resolve itself.

A good many people will regret to hear that Gov. Brownlow came very near being killed lately by the car jumping off the track near Knoxville.——Exchange.

Yes, regret to learn that he escaped; but the devil takes care of his own.

Woman is like ivy——the more you are ruined the closer she will cling to you.

A sour old batchelor friend of ours says the above is altogether a mistake——that it is reversed and ought to red, "Ivy is like woman——the more she clings to you the more you are ruined." He ought to pass down life's journey without woman's smiles to sober him; die among strangers with nobody but a buck negro——hotel stupid Joe——to close his eyes, and shake his hands at the banks of Jordan.

A True Friend.——Thou mayest be  sure that he, that will be private tell thee of thy faults, is thy friend, for he adventures thy dislike, and doth hazard thy hatred; for there are few men that can endure it, every man delighting in self-praise which is one of the most universal follies that bewitcheth mankind.——Sir Walter Raleigh.

Nothing truer was ever written that the above. Be suspicious of him who ever meets you with a smile and a compliment. Give us the welcome beaming from the eye, the hearty grasp of the hand, the careless nod of recognition, the whispered chiding for fault or indiscretion. Such an one wear in your heart like a jewel - bind him to your soul "with hooks of steel," for in the hour of trouble or danger he "will stay with you."

We notice among the marriages of San Antonio, that Col. Atkinson, of the 4th Michigan Infantry, to Miss Lydia Lyons.

Gallant Colonel! He not only helped to sudue the Confederacy, but has undertaken to tame "the line" of the South.

Last Sunday evening "two ladies of color engaged in the amusement of a pugilistic rencountre on the public streets. We suppose Dinah and Somunas quarrelled about their "lubyors," and their mewly acquired liberty were only carrying out the instincts of the "culled" persuasion. They were not arrested and their injured "feelinks" will be spared the pain of a public examination. "Sloh is life."

A STRANGE WAGER——Two young ladies made a wager the other day. One bets the other a bottle of champaigne that "a goose is white and a gander is grey," while the other bets that they are the same color. They have referred the matter to us for decision. We are not well posted in goose-ology or gander-stronomy, but we are inclined to think that
Argue the question as you may,
"The goose is white, the gander gray-"
The reason why, we've been told:
(Though it may be, we've been sold,)
Gooseship gadding in sun and rain,
Wash'd pure and  white of barn-yard stain;
Poor old gander, by family cares, 
Had plumage silvered——call it grey hairs!

The matter's settled, as you see,
Save a glass for the referee.


RUSK HOUSE——R.O. Love, Proprietor.
March 2——H C Franck, A B Franch, Goose Creek; P H Falls, city; J Steward, J Lambert, ACL [[?]] Hill, miss Hill, WC Mosely, miss Mosely, WH Wheeluck [[?]] McGahou, A Dubose, Millican; MS Butner, Navasota; EB ustin, WP Martin, W Campbell; TE; JB Liksos & family,  TE Winn, P Garcia, Falluco; CR Barbs, NY; H Washington, Fulk; A Fleming,  N O; J O McCrary, Baque; T Johnson, Brasne; JC Henry, Boston; W Perry , Springfield; J Watson J T Barres, rev Y H Hamilton, Hill.


March 5——T Eagracia, mrs Tuorpe, Marmaoro, Mex; TH Manson, TH Wilson, NO; M Radjah, Meg; Overstreet a lady W Oldham, Wassicha; J C Shelly, gen R[[?]] cas JH Teigh, Ban a[[?]] SEW Sime gou, CH[[?]] USAMM  / JS Wallace, Robertson / Sen Abiogla, JR Glass, Culr[[?]] WB Ford, Memphis; R Roberston, G Cook & sec. Richmond; EB [[?]], Austin; C Bunker  jr. Harrisburg; AW Anderson,  BF Cameron & Indy, Galveston; WB Williams, Blaco co; L Pressly, Ebelbyville; AV Head, R Robertson & son,  Polk co

D. U. Barsika,
Office——Third story in Van Alstyne's building, Main Street, Houston, Texas. twly

Large and Attractive Auction Sale!!

S. L. Hohenthal & Co.
Main Street, Houson
Tuesday, March 6, 1866,

A most desirable assortment of Goods, comprising:
Dry Goods, Dress Goods; Prints, White Goods; Linens, Hosiery; Gloves, etc.

A large and fresh stock of Groceries:
Sugars, Coffee; Starch, Soap; Candles, Oysters; Lobsters, Sardines, etc.

A large invoice Liquors:
Brandy, Whiskey, Wines, Champagne, etc.

A large consignment
Bagging and Rope, Gins, Bitters,  etc.
3 Marvin & Co. Fire-proof safes;

A splendid lot Boots and Shoes, Stationery, Perfumery, Notions, etc.
Sale to commence at 9½ o'clock, A.M.



Are You Insured?
——OF THE——
Valley of Virginia.
Winchester, VA.

Losses Equitably Adjusted and Promptly Paid.

This Old Company insures Cotton in Press or in Warehouse, Buildings, Merchandise, Household and Personal Property generally,
Against Loss or Damage by Fire,
On as Favorable Terms as other responsible companies.

J. S. & J. B. SYDNOR'S,
Ma4 Galveston,Texas. d2t

Two ladies wish situations——one will take charge of a family, is a good seamstress, and nurse in sickness——is willing to make herself careful. The other has had many years' experience in teaching and would like a school, or situation as assistant teacher in some well-established institute.

The best of references given. For further information, apply at the office of Galveston News. Ma4 d2t

COTTON SEED——Choice Cotton Seed for sale by the undersigned, 3 ½ miles North of Halletville, LaVacs county, Texas.
Ma5 twlm J.C. Sheldon

COAL——H & W Beamsom, Blacksmiths, have good coal for sale. Inquire at their shop, Mechanic street, Galveston. Ma3-4w3m

Office and Residence on Church Street,
M43 Galveston. d3m

Cotton and Wool Facters and Commission Merchants, MILLICAN, TEXAS.
Receiving and Forwarding promptly and carefully attended to.

SCHMIDT & VOIGT, Receiving and Forwarding and General Commission Merchants,(Hoodley's Buildiing, STRAND, GALVESTON.

500 TONS ICE, in the Houston Ice House——SAN JACINTO STREET. All orders filled promptly for any point on the railroad, either in hogsheads, barrels or boxes - when accompanied with the cash. Address - S. MEGEL, Proprietor Houston Ice House, Box 80

The undersigned, having combined their interests and formed a Co-partnership, under the arm and name WHITE & LEDYARD, for the transaction of a Factorage and Commission B[[?]], will devote their attention to the sale of Cotton and Wool.
All Cotton and other produce consigned to them from any point in the interior, will be covered by insurance on rail-roads and steam-boats, unless otherwise ordered. T.F. White. W.N. LEDYARD. Galveston, March 1, 1866.

Wm. J. Hutchins, Cotton Factor, Houston, Texas
We are continually receiving fresh goods in our line from New York such as White Lead, different brands; French and American [[?]], Linseed Oil, raw and boiled; Turpentine, Varnishes, American and French Glass, single thick, thick, and double thick; Brushes, of all kinds; together with fine and Artists' Colors Prepared Canvass, Artists' Tools, etc. Work executed as usual. RICK & BAULARD

Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Ja7  Millican, Texas. dktwly

J. S. & J. B. Sydnor,
S. W. SYDNOR, Auctioneer.
On Tuesday, March 6 at 6 A.M.

300 CASES——Old Bourbon Whiskey, Cognac, Brandy, Madeira Wine, Can Fruits, Vegetables, Oysters, Lobsters, Pickles, etc.

25 KITTS No. 1 Mackerel, 25 cases Sardines,  quarter box, 5 boxes  Best [[?]] Sugar, 

50 BOXES Tobacco——Sicce, May-apple, etc.,
5 bbls Whiskey,
25 cases Smoking Tobacco,
20 gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco,

33,000 CIGARS——assorted brands, Also——58 Trunks,

125 KKGs Nails——85 6p, 20 4p, and 2 8p,
131 cases and 10 bbls. Tumblers and Goblets.

At half-past 11 o'clock, precisely,
150 dog Files, assorted; and 200 sets Knives and Forks, and a small lot Cutlery and scissors. We desire to call the attention of Hardware dealers particularly to this sale, as they must [[?]].
Also——A large invoice of Staple and [[?]] seeds vis:
300 pieces American prints, Law[[?]] Muslins, 4 bales superior Fancy Jacoeta, Tweed, [[?]] and Brown Domestics; And other articles too numerous  to mention.


Large Sale
Monday, March 19, 1866,
Corner of Market & Trement sts.,
On the Burnt Property of H. [[?]]
Opposite J A. Sauter's magnificent brick and marble Building:

1st——Lots 10 and 5-6ths of 8 and 9, block 100 feet  on Tremont street by 128 6-12ths cc Market street; divided in seven building lots.

2d——Lot No 1, block 674, corner, at the [[?]] of a wharf privilege.

3d——Lot Nos. 12, 13, and 14, block 83, on corner lot, block on Tremont street.

4th——Lot No. 3, block 805, Market street, with improvements; large house, brick cistern, out house, etc., under lease or 16 months

5th——Lot No. 8, block 636, corner lot, grand block,

6th—Lot No. 8, block 738, corner lot, of Kuhn & Hendley's wharf; most valuable lot commanding the approach of said wharf

7th——Lot No. 1, block 563, corner lot, Tremont street block, adjoining Berlocher's brick building

8th——Lot No. 13, block 564, Market [[?]], next to a corner on Bath Avenue

9th——Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, block 448, corner next to  the Cotton Press.

10th Lot 7,block 567, corner, near [[?]] street.

11th——Lots 11,12, and  13, block548 [[?]] street

12th——Lot 1, block 249, corner, next to Public Square.

13th——Lot 8, block 375, corner, next to Mayers.

14th——Lots 8 and 9, block 565, corner of Market and Bath Avenue.


One third cash, gold; balance to be converted into currency at the rate of 13 per cent, and divided into three equal payments, at one, two, and three years, from February 1st 1866, with 12 per cent interest and deed of trust on the property.

Payment to be made, notes to be signed, and deeds to be drawn at Mossrs. Ballinger & Jack's. Purchaser will pay for the deeds, stamps, and recording.

Title unquestionable, and warranted in every respect.

For any information before sale, apply to
C. L. McCARTY, Tremont Street.
BALLINGER & JACK, Post Office street,
Wa2-dts  H. DE Y. CYR, Strand.

Pianos, Guitars, Banjos, German and French Accordeons, Flies, Flutes, Violin and Guitar Strings, and everything in the Music line, wholesale and retail, at THO GOGGAN's Music Store, east side, between Market and Post-office streets, Galveston, Texas.

Catalogues of sheet Music sent free on application.

(Adams, Jordan & Co's Old Street.) Strand...Galveston...Texas. Will make advances on Cotton and Wool consigned to their friends in Liverpool, New York, Boston, and New Orleans.

1,000 sacks Prime Seed Corn.
For sale low by Fe89-464 MILLER & SOMERVILLE.

Real Estate Agent, Commissioner of Deeds,etc.

Will purchase and sell Real Estate, Rent or Lease Houses and Plantations, Pay Taxes on Lands throughout the State. Will also draw up instruments in Writing and authenticate them for use or [[?]]in different states. Lands for sale in various parts of the State, Also, Improved and unimproved Galveston city property, and [[?]] below the city. Office in front of the Custom House, Galveston, Texas.

"The Finish," Galveston.

The undersigned, having become the successors of Sam D. Harlan as proprietors of the "Finish," on Tremont street, beg to assure the public that, in their hands, this well known and popular  resort of citizens and travelers shall not suffer in the high reputation it has [[?]] under the management of Mr. Harlan. They have experience in this business, and are determined that the "Finish" shall be second to no hotel or saloon in the South. Their LIQUORS shall always be the best. Their RESTAURANT shall always be supplied with the CHOICEST [[?]] in the market, and meals furnished to order on the SHORTEST [[?]], which the SLEEPING APARTMENTS will be found supplied with clean and comfortable beds. HURST & COLE.

In withdrawing from the "Finish" I most earnestly recommend Messrs. Hurst & Cole to the patronage of my old friends and the public, being fully co[[?]] such patronage will never be regretted by those who [[?]] it. SAM D. HARLAN
Telegraph, Brenham Enquirer. Civilian.

J. J. LEWIS, Purchasing Agent and Dealer in [[?]], Galveston. Prompt attention given. Instructions implicitly obeyed. Orders solicited and faithfully executed. 

M.F. Thompson, Proprietor
This Hotel has been entirely renovated and newly furnished. The table will always be supplied with the best the market affords served up in the best style.
A trust-worthy Watchman will be on duty every night.

10 cases gallon Pickles; 
10 cases half-gallon Pickles;
20 cases quart Pickles;
30 cases pints Pickles;
20 cases pints Tomato Catsup;
10 cases quarts Tomato Catsup;
20 cases Pepper Sauce;
10 cases Brandy Peaches,
20 cases Oysters, 1-lb case;
20 cases Oysters, 2-lb case;
50 cases Condensed Milk.
For sale by FRANK FABJ,
Congress Street

FLOUR——50  bbls Extra;
POTATOES——55 bbls Prince Albert;
WHISKEY——30 bbls Rectified;
CORN——150 sacks Prime White;
SUGAR——10 bbls La. and Texas;
SYRUP——10 bbls and half bbls La. Choice;
SALT——75 sacks Liverpool Course, in good order.

Sundries for sale:
10 nests Cedar Tubs;
20 dog brass-bound Cedar Pails;
20 dog Iron-bound Cedar Pails;
50 dog Painted Buckets;
20 nests Paited Tube, 8 inches;
20 nests German Market Baskets;
20 nests Rattan Market Baskets;
20 dog Zinc Wash-boards;
20 dog Brooms;
20 gross Matches;
100 Kegs, assorted sized;
3 boxes Mason's Blacking;
20 gross Blacking Brushes;
30,000 Paper Bags, assorted sizes;
For sale by FRANK FABJ, Congress Street.

THREE CARGOES LANDING OF Galveston Yellow Pine and Le. Cypress, Well assorted, and of superior quality, for sale at the Galveston Lumber Depot, by B.S. PARSONS & Co.

J.B. HOOD & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 100 Common Street, opposite City Hotel, New Orleans.
We will make advances on consignments of Produce to Messrs. J.B. Hook & Co., and respectfully ask such of our friends as have dealings in New Orleans, to a consideration of their claims, and a liberal share of their patronage. J. B. KELLERS & Co., Galveston.

50,000 choice Cigars;
50,000 "Barranco" Cigars;
36 cases Hats;
25 cases eight-day Clocks;
Will be sold on very desirable terms.
WHITE & LEDYARD, Galveston.

50 boxes Tobacco; 25 sacks Coffee;
50 kegs Nails; 100 sacks Shot;
6 dozen Axes; 35 barrels Rice;
50 kegs White  Lead; 50 barrels Sugar;
100 gallons Linseed Oil; 50 boxes candles;
25 boxes 8x10 Glass; 60 boxes Soap;
40 bbls Choice Extra Flour; 10 boxes Starch;
250 sacks Corn; 100 drums Figs;
50 boxes Cheese; 25 barrels Whiskey;
50 dozen Buckets; 20 cases Fine Brandy;
30 nests Tubs; 20 cases Gin;
20 dozen Brooms; 30 cases Claret;
20 dozen Wash-boards; 10 cases Baker's Bitters;
40 cases Canister Powder; 2,000 Flour Sacks;
150 boxes Roast Turkey, Chicken, etc; 80,000 Gun Caps;
80 caddice Greens and Black Tea;
Black Pepper, Pimento, Cassia,  Soda, Salersina, etc.
For sale by WHITE & LEDYARD, Strand, Galveston.

115 Common Street, Between Champ and St. Charles streets, near City Hotel,
New Orleans. 

NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 1st,1866. Having this day formed a copartnership as above set forth, we shall be happy to attend to any business whatever, small or large, from our friends in Texas in purchasing, storing, receiving and forwarding Produce and Merchandise; advertising, leasing, or selling Lands; collecting Drafts or Accounts; selling Government Vouchers, and remitting Vouchers, etc.
Orders for purchases should be accompanied by remittances, or by such instructions as will enable us to "collect on deliver," or by consignments of produce.

We are Subscription and advertising Agents for a number of lending newspapers throughout the country, and will act for any Texas papers that may desire our services.

Texans desirous of subscribing to, or advertising in, the newspapers of this city, or those in the other States, can forward their orders through is.
We shall keep the Texas papers on file at our office, where we cordially invite our Texas friends to make themselves at home when in New Orleans.

We refer to everybody in Texas generally, and to the old residents of New Orleans, where our Mr. Wharton resided for twenty years ere removing to Texas. He can still be found at the New Orleans Picayune, but will also be found at our office daily to attend to business.



I HAVE now on hand, and made arrangements with the Manufacturers,  for a supply of these most valuable articles, and OF THE LATEST STYLES AND FINISH. 

There is nothing better adapted for the encasement of the Dead. They can be made air-tight. Bodies can be kept and transported to any part of the country. The great demand for them, where they are known, is a sufficient guarantee of their great utility, and need no further recommendation.
Orders for the country promptly attended to. Joh. Teichman, UNDER-TAKER, is my Agent for this City. All persons wanting Burial Cases, for use here, will apply to him. T. MATHER.

COMMERCIAL, RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT PRINTING-Including Bills Lading, Account Sales, Checks, etc., etc, AT NEWS JOB OFFICE, Market street, Galveston.

The fine clipper schooner ROYAL SCRANTON, A.M. Lowden, Master. A large portion of her cargo engages. Will have early dispatch fine freight,at the lowest rates, apply to J.R. BOSTWICK, or C.R. HUGHES, Office Sorley's building, (up stairs.)

The A1 brig GLENDALE,——Captain will have quick dispatch for the above-named port. For freight, apply to W.H. NICHOLS & Co.

Galveston and Houston DAILY LINE OF STEAMER!
STEAMER Silver Cloud [[image]] STEAMER Saint Clair.
J.H. STERRETT, Gen'l Superintendent.
THE ABOVE LINE OF STEAMERS BEING NOW permanently established, is prepared with boats and barges to receive and forward all consignments of freight for shipment on the different rail roads [[?]] in Houston and the B.B.B.&C. Railroad at Harrisburg.
A charge of 3-1/2 cents per package will be made in addition to the usual expense of freight, drayage and wharfage.

All freight consigned to them at Galveston will be promptly forwarded.

Parties must place funds in hands of P.J. Willis & Bro,. or A. Sessume, to pay charges, or goods will be stored with a forwarding warehouse. Business solicited. J. J. STERRETT, Agent at Galveston. JOS. J. SARGENT, Agent at Houston.

[[Image]] The new and light-draught steamer "Indian No. 2", Capt. Byrd M. Grace, will have quick dispatch for the above places. She stands A No. 1 with all insurance companies, and draws only 20 inches light. For freight or passage, apply to E.M. STACKPOLE & Co., Agents, Galveston.

People's Line.
Shreveport, Rob Rey and Arizona.
One of these splendid Boats will
At 4 o'clock P.M.
Shippers and Passengers can depend on this line for prompt dispatch of freight.
Freights from Houston to Galveston- Ten Cents per bale (currency,) For freight or passage, apply on board, or to M. Reichman & Co., AGENTS 


Richmond, Texas
Practice in all the Courts of the 1st Judicial District.

T. DEAN Of Dean, McGinnis & Wilson, New York
JNO. D. ADAMS, OF Little Rock, Ark.
T. GAFF, of T. AJ.  W. Gaff, Aurora, Ind.
Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants
No. 146 Grovier Street, NEW ORLEANS.

MR. C. R. HUGHES, Galveston, will receive and attend to orders and enquiries addressed to me respecting Engines and Machinery, during my temporary absence C.G. FORSHEY, Agendt for Wood & Mann's Steam Engine Co.

AN ANATOMICAL BALL AND Socket, Jointed Leg, with Side-motion at the Ankle like the natural one, and a life-like elasticity, invented by a surgeon. Three patents in arms.
OFFICES: New Orleans, No 77 Carondelet street-Memphis , Tenn., No. 392 Main street-Nashville, Tenn., in the City Hall - St. Louis, Mo, No. 73 Pine street - Chicago, Ill, opposite the Post Office - Cincinnati, O., No 48 Fourth street - Rochester, N.Y., over the Post Office - Washington, D.C., No 204 Pennsylvania Avenue - New York, No. 658  Broadway.
DOUGLAS BLY,M.D., Anatomist  and Surgeon. Address Dr. Bly at nearest office.

Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent, WINCHESTER, VIRGINIA.

Galveston Lumber Depot.
100 PANEL do    do DOORS,
280,000 CYPRESS   do
For sale by E. S. PARSONS

Transcription Notes:
Transcription so far ends at top of 6thMa4 d2tcolumn, = finished