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STATE OF [[text obstructed by ink blot/illegible]] 1865.
were pleased [[obstructed text by ink blot]] article against myself in terms came to diminism my official usefulness, and to bring into discredit that branch of the National Government which I represent in Texas.  You were pleased to charge me with "committing many intolerable acts of oppression" and with "perpetrating outrages disgraceful to the American name."

I pronounced your assertions utterly false, and demanded either retraction or proof.  As I expected, you could obtain no proof.

In your article dated March 3d, along with much irrelevant matter, you produce six "certificates under oath from gentlemen of respectability" as "corroborations" of your statements.  

Five of these "respectable gentlemen" having been found guilty of offences against the rights of the freedmen, were required to do justice in the premises, as they belonged to that class of our people who do not readily understand the rights of others, until their eyes are opened by the discipline of the law, they of course felt bad about it - "hence these tears."

The sixth "respectable gentleman" has publicly admitted his affidavit to be erroneous, and his card to that effect is before the public.

Nearly six weeks have elapsed since the publication of your defamatory words.  It is time the record was closed.

The proof has not appeared.  If it does not come speedily, your position will not be counted as enviable among men of truth and honor.

E. M. Gregory
Brevet Brig. General
Assistant Commissioner, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, State of Texas.

Transcription Notes:
Unable to read the first few lines.