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are false. I told him I could prove them false. A great friend please teach me what course to pursue, for I know you are for justice. Shall truth be hurled to the ground & falsehood be permited to predominate? O if such be the case what shall become of helpless females; I would shudder to think of the future. I trust it is in your power, with the assistance of God to protect us from the dark cloud which seems to be hanging over our destiny. I had anticipated when peace was proclaimed, that peace & quietness would reign throughout our once happy land, how vain a thought; to receive the treatment I have from the Bureau since, seems, almost insupportable for my mind & body are weak. O when will this nuisance the Bureau be withdrawn from our land; if it was not for the Bureau; I think we might become prosperous & happy again; for there is very little encouragement [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]] for they honourable [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] industrious & truthful coloured population to labor now; for they are often summoned from this work to defend themselves & others against false misrepresentation made by the lazy & worthless, who are running around & stirring up strife & run to the Bureau & he will carry their point, in opposition to truth & take their labor & give to the worthless. I speak of the Bureau who resides in Warrenton. I hope their is no other like him; for he tells the truthful if they swear in defence of white people they should not go against their own color & will not believe them. I would give you the particulars of the charge brought against me but I do not wish to trouble you further; but if you desire it I will do so.