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Little Rock Arkansas April 12th 1866 

To your Excelency 
Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States of America

Sir Should you appoint a Commisioner for the [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] Freedmans Department in this State I ask you to allow me to Satisfy you as to my qualifications to fill Said Office I am a native of Tennesee tho Residing here for Several years I think I could manage this matter pretty Satisfactory to Both races having Been all my life in the South. 

My views on the war from the beginning to the end have been the Same of yours and also endorse heartily your restoration pollicy I never asked for an apointment in my life tho I have held one as you See inclosed within which was closed Satisfactory. will your Excelency honor me with a word in reply to this

Respectfully your obt Sert W.H. Cayce