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Sept 14th Lina (Cold) Vs Widow Brothers
"Lina Says I live with Widow Brothers on Fall Creek 13 miles - Mr May the Overseer tied me up because I would not consent to him & tied my Clothes around my neck & beat me very badly then drove me off without pay or a morsel to eat -"

(Said girl 19 years old was whelted all over Shamefully)

Mrs Brothers & Albert Jones Administrator came on order & Stated they knew nothing of the beating untill the next day May ran off to Georgia

16th Unity & Minerva Vs D Beasely
Unity is 70 years of age & Suckled Beasely 
Minerva is 45 & with her Beasely has cohabited nightly for 17 years (they have laid in the same bed that time at nights.) At the fight at Stone River Beasely left his home (a poor one) & told the 2 Col'd women the Black hearted Yankees were coming, they might stay & have everything he left, he was going to his Children - he left