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ville rode into Franklin Tenn in a buggy and while at the Livery Stable in presence of a crowd, one of them said in a loud voice that he was following Joe Williams and that he would give a hundred dollars to any man who would kill him. One of these men was Buck Lewis the other not known  Ben Gray of the League. Saturday evening came out from Campbell's grocery store with a repeater and two packages under his arm. saying "By God I have a new pistol and plenty to fill it with"

III  Preparations for a fight

Late in the evening J.M. Nichol went to Alexander Crutcher who was sitting in Pott's Saloon with several others and advised them to keep out of the range of the windows on the Square, as they would be in danger of getting hurt. This was while the league was out at Academy Hill and thirty minutes before the riot. He must have known that preperations for the fight has been consumated

Transcription Notes:
spelling not corrected per SI instructions