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but they were persuaded to abandon it in the interest of peace to march back to their League room and disperse  There can be no doubt taking all the testimony that it was the intention of the Leaguers to carry out this purpose, and that they marched down to the Square in pursuance of it.

VI  The attack.
As the League marched towards the Square Allen Williams (colored) hastened forward to House's corner called for Mr House and told him that the trouble was over, that the League was about to disperse. House replied all right, and others of the company remarked that it had better be that way for it would be better for them just then
(See Williams Affidavit)

Williams says a man to my left dressed in light clothes raised his pistol and fired. This was certainly the first shot fired. All that I noticed about me had pistols in their hands. The procession when the pistol was fired was all on the