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more or less complete, were sent up from forty-three of the fifty-two counties in the State, showing an aggregate of fifty two thousand nine hundred and twenty one (52,921) destitute persons in the State.

Add to this a proportionate estimate for the counties not reported, and it gives as a total the large estimate of sixty four thousand indigent persons in the State as early as November last.

These startling figures although obtained from sources entitled to due consideration, appeared so enormously large, that few were disposed to give them that full credit to which they now seem to have been entitled.

There is scarcely a county in the State for which the estimate then sent up would now be considered too large, while in many the calls for relief now come up from nearly double the number of persons then reported.

The supplies furnished by the Government through the agency of the Freedmen's Bureau have undoubtedly done great good and relieved many who must otherwise