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Head-Quarters District of Alabama.
Montgomery, Ala., June 7th 1866.

Major General O. O. Howard
Commissioner, &c.
Washington, D.C. 

In reply to so much of your letter of 4th ult. as directs me to make inquiry and report the number of persons requiring seed corn, and the quantity of land to be seeded, I have the honor to report - that while lists according to the required form were immediately commenced and are still in active preparation, yet the result of the collateral inquiries has satisfied me that not only is the season already much too far advanced for any useful distribution of seed grain this year, but that no such distribution need be provided for. The grain crop of this year, will, I think, reach nearly the average before the war, both in quantity and quality; and if not wholly consumed by immediate necessity for food, will, I think, meet all future requirements for seed.