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War Department,
Washington, May 15th 1866.

Major General O.O. Howard
Commissioner Freedmen's Bureau
Washington D.C.

The President directs that Colonel E. Whittlesey, Asst. Commissioner for the Freedmen's Bureau for the State of North Carolina, Captain F.A. Seely, Superintendent of the Bureau for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Captain Isaac Rosekrans, Commissary of Subsistence of Volunteers, on duty in the Freedmen's Bureau, Dr. Rush, Medical Purveyor, Rev. _ Fitz, Asst. Superintendent of the Bureau for the Trent River Settlement, Captain Wheeler, Agent for the Bureau at Kinston, N.C., G.O. Glavis, Chaplain, Superintendent at Goldsboro, Major J.C. Mann, Asst. Quartermaster and Financial Agent for the Southern District North Carolina, and Major Charles J. Wickersham, Sub. Agent for the Bureau at