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Wadmelaw Islands where any man has been compelled by force to enter into any contract whatever the report of the commission to the contrary notwithstanding
The report also states that "On the Eddings place only, were any Negroes found working without the direction of whites that were doing even tolerably well"
I could if asked to do so have pointed the commissioners to dozens of plantations where fine crops are being raised by the negroes alone without any directions from whites
The care with which the Commission avoided asking information of the Officers on duty on the Islands was rather confirmatory of the Statement made to some Southern Gentlemen in Rockville by a Mr McClosky who claimed to be an attache of the Commission "That they only wanted to hear one side of the question.
I have made no statements or assertions in this paper that I am not prepared to prove by good an reliable witnesses.

I am Colonel
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
J E Cornelius
Major V.R.C. A.A. Comr B.R.F&c