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this return. They expect to accomplish this inspection of Texas, and to get back here in twenty (20) days; but it will not be possible for them to do much there in so short a time.
These gentlemen seemed well disposed towards me and I did not think were as searching in their scrutiny as they might have been. There are of course many wrongs done to the negroes here, which I am powerless to adress, and I want to bring as many of these to the notice of the Commissioner as possible. The little shortcomings and errors of our agents we try to rectify as fast as we find them and -
One such mistake came to the notice of Genl Steedman on his way down the river, and he may mention it, as some rather exciting law-suits on test questions are likely to result but I had already taken this case in hand and will try to do justice in the premises
Most Respectfully
Your obt. servant
A. Baird
Bvt. Major General Vols
Asst. Comsr. La