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Bureau of Refugees, Freemen and Abandoned Lands,
New Orleans, 1866. 
Memoranda of interrogation proposed by Generals Steedman & Fullerton- Comrs +c

1.  Number of persons- freedmen & refugees- (White)- to whom rations have been issued each month since 1st of Decbr. last giving age & sex. 

2. The number of officers enlisted men & citizens employed by and in the Bureau in La.- the pay of each- and the duty preferred by each- give ranks of officers without [[??]] to Banks. which will show the pay which they receive,
3. 2d Mis. supplies furnished since 1" of Decb'r. last
4.  Amount of transportation furnished since 1" of Decbr. last.
5. The necessity of the further issue of rations
6. What assistance, if any, has been rendered to the Bureau Agents in the discharge of their duties by citizens of the State, or what opposition- General Statements.

New Orleans La.}
July 3rd. '66}