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[[image of Victor Gruen]]
Victor Gruen is a native of Vienna, Austria, where he studied and practiced architecture.

He arrived in the U.S.A. in 1938 and, in a new start, after being first employed or associated with several architectural firms engaged mostly in the store design field, he founded his own design firm. His first project in this country--designed in 1939 for the Lederer store on Fifth Avenue in New York--still exists in its original form. In 1948 he was licensed to practice architecture in California and opened his own architectural office there. In 1951 he founded the Victor Gruen Associates organization. Victor Gruen is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, a member of more than thirty professional organizations, an affiliate of the American Institute of Planners, a member of the Interamerican Planning Society, a member of the Authors Guild Inc. In addition to his architectural and planning work, he is active as speaker, guest lecturer at many universities and colleges, participant on committees devoted to the improvement of the human environment--such as "The Committee for a More Beautiful Capital" in Washington, D.C.

As author Victor Gruen has contributed to a number of anthologies, has written numerous articles for professional publications, as well as two books: "Shopping Towns U.S.A." (with economist Larry Smith) in 1960, and "The Heart of Our Cities" in 1964.

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[[image of R. L. Baumfeld]]
R. L. Baumfeld was born in Vienna, Austria, where he received his training. He was graduated in 1932 from the Master School for Architecture of the Austrian Academy of Fine Arts and subsequently, as a licensed architect, he maintained his own practice in Vienna. His commissions included architectural and industrial design assignments in Austria and other countries in Europe. R. L. Baumfeld came to the United States in 1940 and, early after his arrival, became employed by the Bureau of Yards and Docks of the United States Navy. He was active for this agency in its wartime building program. In 1943 he joined Victor Gruen; and, when Victor Gruen Associates was founded in 1951, he became a Partner. In his capacity, he is in charge of the departments for architectural design, interior design, graphics, merchandising and store layout.

R. L. Baumfeld is a member of the Association of Austrian Architects and the Institute of Store Planners.

[[image of Karl Van Leuven]]
Karl Van Leuven was graduated from the University of California in 1937. He later attended the University of Southern California for graduate work and studied a the Art Center School in Los Angeles.

He joined Victor Gruen in 1941. During World War II he was engaged in technical layout and direction for training and educational films for the armed forces at the Disney Studios in Los Angeles. He returned to the Gruen organization in 1946.

In 1949, when the volume and scope of services of the firm increased, he was entrusted with the responsibility of opening the Midwest Office in Detroit and of directing the research, design, planning and construction of major projects in the Midwestern state and Canada. He became a Partner in 1951 when Victor Gruen Associates was formed.

After ten year in Detroit, he returned to the Los Angeles headquarters office and assumed the direction of planning, architectural and interior design projects throughout the Unites States and Canada.

Karl Van Leuven is licensed to practice architecture in fourteen states and is certified by the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.