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Preparatory School
Founded by Marva N. Collins in 1975

[[stamp]] RECEIVED DEC 29 1992 EGEL DIAMOND ARCHITECT [[/stamp]]

December 2, 1992

Dear Donor

First of all, let me say thank you for your confidence in our work this past year. The three and four-year olds are ahead of schedule for reading and computing this year...they actually began to read, write, and compute in early November. The 7th and 8th graders have just finished reading Plato's Republic, and monitors their own behavior with the four virtues from the Republic. We have just begun reading together the book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are finishing the Odyssey. The 9 and 10 year olds are matriculating in college algebra this year.

The school that we opened in the housing project on Chicago's South Side is doing very, very well. The three and four year olds there, too, are reading, writing, and computing. We continue, with your help to do what others declare impossible.

The school in Cincinnati too, is doing phenomenally well. (Please see enclosed clipping.)

I shall be across the country training teachers in seminars in ten cities in order to raise funds for a high school. I cannot afford to see our ten and eleven year olds leave our school to be recruited for failure. The hard work and time we have invested in them must not go in vain.

My plea to you this Christmas is to ask if each of you could order copies of my new book to give to your friends and relatives. The proceeds, I hope, would make the book a best seller, and in return, we could use the funds as part of our high school drive. I am determined to provide the funds for the purchase of the high school as I have done for Westside Preparatory School. Should I fail in this endeavor, at least I shall fail while daring greatly for our children.

Here's wishing each of you a most joyous and prosperous holiday season.

Marva N. Collins
Marva N. Collins

4146 West Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60651  (312) 227-5995