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St Louis Mo. July 23th
Hon E. M. Stanton
Secty of War

I have the honor to apply to you for some position in the Freedmens Bureau. As to my Ability to serve in that Dept. I would respectfully refer to A.S. Hartwell, late Bvt Brig Gen U.S. Vols. I served my Govt nearly throughout the war. first in the ranks of the 24th Mass Vols Infty and as an Officer in the 55th Mass Vols Col'd during their term of service. by conferring on me some office, you will receive my lasting Obligations. Please find enclosed a letter from Dr. W.G. Eliot.

I have the honor to remain
Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt.
Wyllys Gannett
Late 1st Lt 55th Mass Vols

Hon E. M. Stanton
Secty of War