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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Dick Johnson and being duly sworn deposes as follows 

My name is Dick Johnson  I live at No 145 St Martin Street in the City of Memphis Tenn 

On the 3" day of May 1866 as I was going to my work, I met a White Man on St Martin St who presented a pistol at me and demanded my money said if I did not give it to him he would shoot me down.  He took from me $25.00 in Greenbacks 

Dick his X mark Johnson

Subscribed and Sworn to before me at Memphis Tenn this the 10th day of May 1866 

M Walsh
Capt V.R.C. & P.M.F.

A true copy
FMH Kendrick
Capt. & A.I. Genl

Transcription Notes:
P.M.F. = Provost Marshal Freedmen F.M.H. Kendrick A.I. Genl = Assistant Inspector General