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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Mary Jordan and, being duly sworn deposes as follows

My name is Mary Jordan, I am a widow. My husband was killed about eleven days before the riot commenced by a policeman mashing in the top of his head. I live in the City of Memphis Tenn. On the night of the 2nd day of May 1866 a party of men Came to my house and set fire to it. I was outside at the time. I ran back for my baby when the fired at me several times I remained inside untill the roof was burned and I was forced out by the flames  they shot me when I left the house my house and all things in it were burned up loss amounting to $250.00
Mary her x mark Jordan 

Subscribed and Sworn to before me at Memphis Tenn this the 8th day of May 1866

(Sign) Michl Walsh
Capt and AAA Genl
& P M Freedmen

A true Copy 
F.M H. Kendrick
Capt and A.I. Genl