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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Hannah Hersey and being duly sworn deposes as follows
My name is Hannah Hersey I live in the city of Memphis, Tenn. on South Street on the 3d day of May 1866 I had to leave my house and go to Fort Pickering, two white women that lived near me told me I had better go. that all the colored people had gone,  and those that did not go would be killed. I left in the care of these two women a chest containing all my things, when I came back the chest was in the yard and all the articles taken out, I afterwards identified the articles in the house of these two women one of  whom is named Rachel Dobbs
her mark Hannah Hersey
Subscribed and Sworn to before me at Memphis Tenn this the 7 day of May 1866 
M Walsh
Capt VRC & P M Freedmen

a true copy
F.M.H. Kendrick
Capt & A I Genl