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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Martha Ware and being duly sworn deposes as follows.
My name is Martha Ware I live in the City of Memphis Tenn on the night of the 3d of May 1866 two men came into the house occupied by myself and husband (Wesley Ware) on a plea of looking for fire arms said they were policemen one was dressed like a policeman. I opened the drawers of my Bureau for them to search for arms, and they took therefrom Jewelry, money and valuables to the amt of $150.00

Martha her X mark Ware
Subscribed & Sworn at Memphis Tenn before me this 8th day of May 1866
(Signd) Mich Walsh
Capt & AAAG& PM Freedmen

A true Copy 
FMH Kendrick
Capt & AI Genl