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Before me personally appeared the undersigned Emma Lane and being duly sworn deposes as follows,
My name is Emma Lane. I live in Memphis Temm on the night of the 2" day of May 1866, "Mike Cotton, Elder Young and Billy Barber, with several other men came to the house and Saloon occupied by myself and husband and demanded entrance my husband let them in - they demanded of them to deliver his arms - he told them he had None they shot at him six times and one shot took effect in his shoulder. After they went out they fired into the house and wounded our child 
Emma her x mark Lane
Subscribed and Sworn to before me at Memphis Tenn this the 7"day of May 1866
(Signed) M Walsh
Capt & aaaG and PM Freedmen
A true copy
F.W.H Kendrick
Capt and A J Genl