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A box of clothing and material, from Worcester Association, Mass., directed to Miss Robinson, teacher, valued at $156 58.
A box of women's and children's second-hand clothing, from Chester, Vt.
A box of clothing from the Friends' Freedman's Association, of New York.
Collected in Meridan, Conn., by Mrs. C. J. H Nichols, for boys' hats, $5 50. Seventeen hats, from Mrs. Parker, donated by a school in Georgetown, D.C.
One barrel of second-hand clothing, from friends of freedman, Tounshend, Vt.
One box of second-hand clothing, from friends in Chester Co , Penn , forwarded by Hannah Darlington.
One box of goods, comprising clothing, seeds, and books, from New Bedford Association, Mass.
One bushel of sweet potatoes, from Mrs. Parker.
One box, containing clothing, sheets, papers, and toys, from the Freedman's Association, New Bedford, Mass.
From Mr Baker, a visitor, $2 00.
From Mrs. S. L. Peck, $2 00.
From Mrs. C. A. Atkinson, Hopedale, Mass, to buy a cow for the Home, $50 00.
From the Christian Commission, Washington, D. C, a handsome donation of clothing, bedding, and household utensils
One half dozen slates, Miss Francis, Cambridge, Mass.
A large Bible, from the Ladies' Bible Society, Georgetown, D. C.
A box of boys' clothing, from Women's Freedman Association, Philadelpia, Penn. 
A box, containing knives and forks, one piece of flannel, a quilt, made by the Infant School, of Germantown, Penn., some second-hand clothing, sent by Miss Margaret Robinson, Germantown, Penn.
A visitor gave to the Matron, to use for the children, $2 00.
From Mrs. A. B, Earle, of Worchester, Mass., for medicines, $3 00.
Fifty sheets and ten cutains, from the San. Commission, sent by Miss Carter.
Sallie Cooper, for provisions, $1 00.
Miss Sarah G. Weld, for Christmas gifts for the children, $4 00.
Mrs. Alexander Beals, Dorchester, Mass.........$10 00
Mrs Franklin King, Dorchester, Mass.........5 00
Mrs. Otis Shepard, Dorchester, Mass.........4 00
Mrs. Julia Quincy, Dorchester, Mass.........2 00
John Foster, Dorchester, Mass.........2 00
Mrs. Samuel Gilbert, Dorchester, Mass. Also a bundle of clothing......1 00
Mrs. Sarah Townsend, Dorchester, Mass.........1 00
Mrs. Charlotte Pope, Dorchester, Mass.........1 00
Mrs. John Tolmann, Dorchester, Mass.........  50
Mrs. A. A. Davenport, Dorchester, Mass.........  50
Miss A. Vinson's Sunday School class.........  64
Mrs. Lois Howe's Sunday School class.........2 00
Miss Donnisson, Cambridge, Mass.........5 00
Miss Francis, Cambridge, Mass.........4 00
MONEY COLLECTED AND EXPENDED FOR STOCKINGS, (except $5, $1 ex-press on box from Germantown, Penn., to Georgetown, D. C., $4handed to Treas).
Hannah Richardson.........$10 00
Mary Jeanes.........10 00
Anna Jeans.........5 00
Alfred Cope.........10 00


Miss Francis, for books as Christmas gifts.........$14 12
Books and toys collected by Miss Howe, Cambridge, Mass.
Mrs. Holden, of Washington, D. C., for candy.........  50
Miss Capion, of Washington, D. C.. for candy.........  50
Collected by Miss Perkins, of Washington, D. C , for candy.........2 00
Miss Mina Breed, of Washington, D. C., for candy.........1 50
Miss Heacock, of Washington, D.C., for candy.........1 00
Dr. Reaburn, of Washington, D. C., for Christmas dinner.........5 00
Lieut. S. N. Clark, of Washington, D. C., for Christmas dinner.........5 00
E. Z. Robbins, Washington, D. C..........5 00
Mrs. Madison, to purchase shoes for old lady.........2 00
A small bundle of baby clothes, from Mary Butler, Washington, D. C.
Hall lamp, from Mrs. Dr. Breed, Washington, D. C.
One barrel mostly second-hand clothing,several pairs of shoes, from Freedmen's Association, of West Newton, Mass., sent by Mrs, C. M. Severns.
Mrs. G. B. Whiting, of Washington, D. C,, for Christmas dinner.........$5 00
Friends, of Washington, D. C., for Christmas dinner.........3 00
William Jackson, of Washington, D.C., for Christmas dinner.........2 00
Mrs. Shuster, of Washington, D. C., for Christmas dinner......1 00
Mrs. Elizabeth Chipman, of Washington, D. C., for Christmas Dinner.........  50
Mrs. Saul, of Washington, D.C., for Christmas dinner.........  25
A friend.........  25
Mrs. Underhall, a number of pies.
Note.--In several boxes were articles of men's clothing; these were given to Sojourner Truth and Miss Heacock, to use for the Freedmen of the District.


1. Any person may become a member of the Association by paying the sum of two dollars.  At the meetings of the Association ten members shall constitute a quorum.   At the meeting of the Executive Committee, five shall constitute a quorum for transacting business.
2. At all stated meetings of the Executive Committee, and at the quarterly meeting of the Association, the order of business shall be: First, Minutes of the preceding meeting; Second, Reports of Committees and Officers; Third, Unfinished business, new business, adjournment.
3. The President, and in her absence the Vice President, or President pro tem., shall preside at the meetings, preserve order, and see that the officers perform their duties; and all drafts upon the Treasurer, approved by the Managers, shall be signed by the presiding officer at the meeting at which they have been passed. 
4. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the meetings of the Association and of the managers; give due notice of the time and place of all meetings. A notice of the Annual and Quarterly meeting of the Association to be advertised for at least two days in a daily paper published in Washington City. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence, and counterseign all drafts upon the Treasurer.
5. The Treasurer shall take charge of all monies belonging to the Association not otherwise ordered by the Board, and shall deposit them in such institutions, or invest them in such way as the Board may direct, and shall make no payments except by its order. All bills ordered by the Board shall be paid by the Treasurer. She shall report in writing at each monthly meeting of the Executive Committee, the amount received and expended during the month; also all indebtedness. She shall keep a list of the contributors, and an accurate account of the receipts and expenditures of the institution; which account shall be at all times open to the inspection of the managers. She shall make a written report of the Annual and each Quarterly meeting of the Association, and give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of her trust.
6. At the first stated meeting, held after the annual meeting of the Association, the Executive Committee shall elect from their number of the following standing committees: A Committee upon Education. A Committee upon Clothing. A Committee upon Household. A Committee upon Admission and Dismission.