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November 7, 1973

Sir Norman Reid
Tate Gallery
London, England

Dear Sir Norman:
I am sure you and Ronald Alley are well acquainted with the work of our Greek-American sculptor Chryssa. She is spending a year or more in Europe working on a commission for Graf Metternich of Adelebsen in Germany and working in a factory at Leverkusen preparing for a big exhibition with Denise René in Paris. She had a brilliant and truly remarkable exhibition of works in a number of different media at the New York gallery of Denise René last spring. It made quite a sensation here.
Chryssa has just written me saying that she took her albums of photographs of her works of the last fifteen years with her and that Mr. Harten of the Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf and Mrs. Hammacher of the Museum Boymans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam are interested in putting on a big retrospective show of her work in 1975. She is longing to have such an exhibition also shown at the Tate ("it would complete the circle of all my hopes") and she has asked me to write to you on her behalf which I gladly do since I feel Chryssa is really tremendously gifted. I have known her and followed every phase of her work since 1960, watching her talents move in various directions, yet always remain concentrated and individual. A true artist, she has repeatedly been lifted out of frustration and near-despair by a constantly renewed drive to work.
It seems a very long time since I have seen you and I don't like that. I have not been in England since 1968. In 1969 I left the Museum of Modern Art and have been working as a free-lance art consultant and am having a very good time of it.
With my best wishes and regards,
Dorothy C. Miller

P.S.  Chryssa's address is c/o Wöllenstein, 509 Leverkusen, Overfeldweg 61, Germany.