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In case the investigation "bureaus" were investigating me, I would appreciate to know the reasons for that. Or was it a way to keep art files? (I am referring this to prints of hands  and flowers by Picasso, as an experience.)

I would like to quote from my lecture, New York University, 1968, in "recalling" some of the ways my "mind works". Stage A: digging into one's self comes out to what might be a sincere and satisfying result. But if it has already been done under another name, it does not necessarily contribute to art.

Also I am quoting from the same lecture, referring to the neon box. "When it lights up it is only one way of how it works, like breathing in or out. There were not antismoking signs coming from above".

When the box is not lit it is a different aspect of the same thing. But let's say "A deferent aspect of the same thing" as an environment.

Recently approximate dates May 2 to May 7 very prophetic as heard "antismoking signals" were experienced at 15 East 88 Street, my apartment studio. I was not able to interpret those as such because of their intense repetition. It was also hard because other tensions. Those margins of "reality and illusion" [[strikethrough]] were [[/strikethrough]] established [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] limits.

Other remarks of Sam Hunter's book described me as "insessible smoker" which was very prophetic indeed. He also describedmy sculpture "Times Square Sky" as introducing a "delicate thread" of neon acript spelling the word "air" as a kind of grace note within a scrambled assemblage of fractured metal letters.

I do feel like making a perhaps unnecessary remark here of the interference of art curator of New York's Guggenheim Museum, Mr. David Hayes. In reference to my sculpture "Times Square Sky" and his unnecessary remark [[strikethrough]] referring to [[/strikethrough]] in mentioning "light" sculpture, that while standing in front of my "Times Square Sky". Wonderful "Myth of Bananas and Apples".

Other experiences that I went through were "ILLITERACY EFFECTS" also, and also I don't know if this term is correct experiences of "TRUST AND ANTI-TRUST HEARINGS". "Sounds as from above" were computerized -sto apeiro- [[strikethrough]] I do not know if the terms, technological or mechanical are correct.[[/strikethrough]]. Such"tapes" electronically devised were resembling "Indian Sculptures" as of hundred heads each and their possibilities [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] as overlapping information were continuous [[strikethrough]] continually [[/strikethrough]]. In other words, let's say, tapes were giving hundreds of such possibilities for each person of their position, wealth, titles [[strikethrough]] and other professional assignments, [[+?]] also more private information. [[/strikethrough]]