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I can only recall some of the ways my mind works.

Stage A: Digging into one's self comes out to what may be a sincere and satisfying result, but if it has already been done under another name, it does not necessarily contribute to art. 

Stage B: This is the stage when the "mind works" in the area of the impersonal and which to me is very close to the realization of the universal self. I mean several things when I say the "cool mind," for example:

A Mind that is already charged with "storage" information.

A Mind that is avoiding its own pattern of thinking. Discoveries of yesterday should not become the mannerisms of tomorrow. A new logic should be found.

I am trying to resolve a "way of working out values" which I cannot reach only through logic or instincts, or courage, or storage. When my endless monologues with sculpture become too familiar to me, too much a part of me, then I usually abandon them because when they reach that stage they no longer work out. 

A Mind willing to experiment, to "go through" this storage information and yet to keep its freedom. A mind that always takes over, and refuses to be "controlled." A mind that starts new all the time, keeps "feeding" and "storing" all the time, exercises all the time.

A Mind that goes beyond the limits of technology and of the material and is independent of both.

A Mind that is free as much as possible from unconscious automism of every sort or unconscious drives of every sort, sadistic, masochistic, etc. 

A Mind that is aware of psychoaesthetic makeups, optical illusions based on certain geometric arrangements or color relations, etc. 

A Mind that deals with areas of TODAY and expresses our contemporary way of thinking and seeing.

The Businesslike Mind, the productive mind, the practical mind.

A Mind that is aware of its own reality.