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Biog. page 4

1942 U.S. enters W.W.II F.A.P. ends.
L.F. begins series of romantic paintings, introspective and subjective. Exhibits "Of Things Past" in show "Twenty Los Angeles Painters" at L.A.A.A.

1943 Exhibits in show at L.A.A.A. throughout year (Feb., June, July, Sept.) and in group show at L?A. County Museum in September.

1944 Begins teaching at the Art Center School of Design. Begins his Magical Form paintings, conceptual extensions, or even inversions of his Postsurreal works. First Magical Form paintings is titled "The Tree". 
In January-February has a one-man show at L.A. County Museum, in which he exhibits a large group of "romantic" paintings, many of which deal with "allegorical confessions" and are tenebristic in treatment; the general effect is gloomy and romantic. (L.F. believe that the tenebrism obvious in this show was the final consummate expression of a quality that often appeared in his early work.) In May this same group of paintings is shown at the San Francisco Museum of Art.
In March and April exhibits in the Va. Museum of Fine Arts show "The Fourth Biennial Exhibit of Contemporary American Painting. 
In August exhibits in a show at L.A.A.A. entitled "Then and Now".

1945 In classes at Art Center School has his students involved with problems of abstract composition, space divisionism, ambiguous, neutral images, serial images, stripes, etc., as well as figurative composition.

1946 In Sept. exhibits in members' show at L.A.A.A.
In October exhibits in Pepsi Cola's third annual show "Paintings of the Year", for which he also serves on the jury. 
His romantic painting "Aria from Boheme" wins first prize in the L.A. Art Week Show. In Nov. exhibits in the "What's New" show at L.A.A.

1947 Juries Screen Artists exhibit, and L.A.C.M. annual show of So. Calif. painters and sculpters.
Exhibits in show at the Hartwell Galleries in May.
In October becomes director of the Gallery of Mid-20th Century Art,
1007 N. Clark St.; opens with show of European and American Moderns.
Presents "Photo-Fantasy" show at Mid-20th in Dec.
In Nov. exhibits in "Abstract of Surrealist Art" show at Art Institute of Chicago. In Dec. exhibits in "Eighteen California Artists" at Pasadena Institute of Art.

1948 Continues to direct activities of Mid-20th Century gallery; presents exhibitions of De Chirico, Leonor Fini, Eugene Berman, Lundeberg, Lepri, Brauner, Jacques Harold, Matta drawings, et al.
Lectures on Joseph Cornell, Tanguy, Man Ray, and Magritte at various times during year, in connection with exhibits of their work at the Copley Gallery in Beverly Hills.
In May lectures to the Pacific Art Assoc., Southern Calif. Art Teachers Assoc., on "Art in Our American Culture".
In October exhibits in "Eighth Invitational Purchase Prize Exhibition" at Chaffey College, Ontario, Calif. Also in October organizes a retrospective show of Stanton Ma cdonald-Wright at the Art Center School Galleries, and serves on the jury for the Fourth Annual Art Exhibit sponsored by the City of Los Angeles, the largest art exhibition ever put on in So. Calif.