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I was pleased, of course, and no little surprised. But. To date--and it's well after the first--I have heard no further. And that's where it stands. I have no idea if the committee has met, or not. In light of Mr. Carter's favorable reply, I would expect, perhaps, a brief note stating the results of the 'race?

On the other hand, it could be that Chancellor Murphy and his group took one look at my salary requirement and, finding it prohibitive, immediately had to rule out my application, thus settling my case in one, quick shot; although, even here if in any way I might possibly have looked at all good to them, I am surprised that they would not have taken the time to query me on the point, perhaps writing me to reconsider the figure.

Again, it may be that there has been no meeting.

I will let you know if something develops--promptly, this time.

All goes well enough here. I am trying still to find a place for a studio, and trying to arrange a trip to New York for a couple of months. Dorothy and the children are well, and except for passing a kidney stone, of all things, a month ago last Sunday (hospitalized), I have been in good shape.

We send, all of us, our warmest best to you and to Helen.
