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November 12, 1940

Dear John, 

It was swell to see you the other night. I'm looking forward to having you here in connection with your Times Club appearance. Meantime, if you and Kathleen should ever feel the impulse to drive down for a visit -- any time -- I hope you will do it. Madison isn't very far away and I don't see nearly enough of you. 

Miss Margaret D. Thoma of the Demco Library Supplies, 114 South Carroll Street, Madison, has written about an issue of their trade journal, the "Demcourier" to be dedicated to you. She asks me about doing an article about you for the issue. 

I'll certainly be glad to do anything along that line that has your approval. But first of all, I thought it best to check with you about the thing. I had some negotiations with this Demco outfit once before. Although I don't precisely remember the nature of them, I find myself with just a touch of suspicion towards the organization, probably unjustified. 

In any event, since they are right there in Madison, they have undoubtedly seen you personally, so you will have first-hand information about them. Let me know about this, John. If what they are planning has your sanction and cooperation, then I'm 100% for it and will write them an o.k. for my part in it at once.

Sorry about Sinclair Lewis leaving Madison. I feel that fundamentally he is a good sort. That was a darned shame, too, about that mess the Chicago reporters made concerning his reasons for leaving Madison. 

Best to yourself and Kathleen. 


Have just seen your osage orange fabric design - It's a knockout!