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Damar Varnish

Two table spoon-fuls of Gum Damar in a Pint of Spirits of Turpentine and a Tea-spoon full of calcined Magnesia - The solution made in a water or Sand bath.

(It is said to be easily removed by warm water & friction with kid Leather.) - given to me by T. Sully.

SOLUBLE GLASS. What is called soluble glass is now beginning to come into use as a covering for wood and or other practical purposes.  Some of our clever artisans may like to experiment upon it.  It is composed of fifteen equal parts powdered quartz, ten of potash, and one charcoal.  These are melted together, worked in cold water, and then boiled with five parts of water, in which it entirely dissolves.  It is then applied to wood work, or any other required substance.  As it cools it gelatinizes, and dries up into a transparent colorless glass, on any surface to which it has been applied.  It renders wood nearly incombustible. — New York Post.