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82 Drapery.
Drapery should always be studied from Nature, either on the living figure, or the Mannakin, or Plaster Cast. With an amiable frankness Mr. West, on one occasion, invited my attention to an historical picture on his Easel; and pointed out those portions of the Drapery which had been studied from the Lay-figure; and made me notice the inferiority of those parts which he devised to connect his detached Studies. He also explained in what manner he studied flying or floating Drapery. This he accomplished by throwing his Drapery either on the bare floor, or over the prostrate Lay-figure, or some bulky object, until he saw the folds take the form + direction he desired, regulating his choice by his previous observations on Nature, by which he was enabled to make the necessary variations. 
83 Colours under Water.
Violet de Mars, after being under Water several days absorbs the Water + seems unfit for use. Rub it with the Palette Knife + most of the water will separate from it, + may be blown or shaken off - Then add the merest trifle of Megelp + the color is restored to its desired texture. It is best, however, to employ the fresh-ground color. This mode of treatment may be employed with other Pigments, even with Yellow Oker, or Raw Umber, and tints composed with them, if they have not been [strikethrough] long [/strikethrough] kept long. Madder Lake when it looks dry + dull, after being under Water, if not too long, requires the same treatment to render it smooth + maniable. Unless the Water be first pressed out with the Palette-Knife, the Megelp causes it to unite with the paint + injures its hue + texture. Therefore no Colours should be used that have been long under water. These difficulties are prevented by grinding such colors with Magnesia. 
84 Fresco Painters.
The entire practice of the great Fresco Painters of Italy, was an alternate study from Nature, in detached portions, + the effort to Copy and Combine these detached Studies. Studies thus made from Nature, brought into requisition all their knowledge of drawing,  Anatomy, Colouring, light + shadow, character + pencilling; and as milled

Transcription Notes:
"Megelp" is a misspelling of Megilp.