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[[left margin]] casts in good city to appropriate orig. American sculpture [[/left margin]]

statues that it continues to be a school of sculpture as Florence is of pntg.

Sculpture was inaugurated in Am. by __?__ to commemorate the form of W. in statues by Houdon, Chantry, Greenough, Brown + Crawford. Excited by these + other examples our artists, men + women, are honorably pressing forward in successful emulation with the highest talents of Europe. The frequent visits which Americans make to Europe rarely fails to inspire them with a higher relish for this department of art + occasionally to supply us with specimens of beautiful sculptured forms. Thus, we have __?__ splendid group of Hero + Leander, Bastholmes [[best guess]] expressive figure of repentant Eve. In several of our cities we possess plaster casts of the most celebrated statues of Greece, [[strikethrough]] Rome [[/strikethrough]] Italy. Here are facsimiles which exhibit to us the exact forms of the original notwithstanding aspersions to the contrary by Lady Morgan + other travelers of romance who propogate the error that these casts give no idea of the perfection of form so admirable in the originals. This is a delusive assertion of ignorance + prejudice. How many of us can bear witness to the perfect identity of their forms, cast as they have been in molds which have been accurately made on the original statues? The students of art in Italy, instead of drawing from the