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R.L. Sultzer
Lambda Chi Alpha
DePauw University
Greencastle, Indiana

April 22, 1949
Mr. Horace Pippin

Dear Mr. Pippin:
A course in Contemporary American Art has the distinct disadvantages of inadequate source material for any kind of a comprehensive study of the painters of our present day. Naturally we have some information about you and your work, but we are anxious to learn more about your approach to painting as well as little known facts and stories about you.
I have chosen your name from a list of American artists presented to us by our instructor. There are approximately 80 students in the class and each student is to assume the name, personality, and role in life of a present American artist of his choosing. So for all discussion purposes I am to become Horace Pippin each time I enter the room. I am to defent my approach to painting and natually have a fairly complete knowledge of what I've been doing all my life and what I hope to do with the remainder of my life. I have read several articles about "myself" but the enclosed questionaire will help me even more. Please help me out for your sake and for my sake.
Incidentally, the art fraternity, Kappa Pi of the DePauw University Art Department, invites several artists to come to DePauw for a few days as guests of te University to visit with us. Would you be interested? I think the Fraternity pays each visiting artist about $100 and of course takes care of all the arrangements while the artists is on the campus. They do not want formal lectures or demonstrations, but rather an oppertunity to sit now informally over a cup of coffee. Would you like to be our guest? Please let me hear from you.
R.L. Sultzer