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Museum of Art

Carnegie Institute   
4400 Forbes Avenue  
Pittsburgh 13 

December 6, 1965

Mr. Robert Carlen
323 South 16th Street 
Philadelphia 2, Pennsylvania

Dear Bob:

Thanks for your letter of December 1st.

First, I would like to say that I would love to have the negatives of the Pippin paintings. I will have them printed here and return the negatives to you immediately. Is there some way of denoting the titles so I might be able to relate them specifically?

As to the "Hillborn Farm," Williamsburg did not include it in their list and I have gone ahead and asked for it never-the-less. I am anxious to learn of their reaction. 

Beans is a strange chap. I don't know if I told you that he met me, not at his shop, but at the home of a friend. Evidentally, he is not very proud of the appearance of his place. He is suffering from an ulcer in his leg which is probably quite painful. I will request the "Stone Ezel" from him He claims to have several drawings by Hicks, which I have not seen and scarcely feel qualified to pass on.

Do give my warmest greetings to Alice and, of course, to yourself.

Associate Director


Gustave von Groschwitz director Leon Anthony Arkus associate director