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                                  30 January 1976

Mr, Laughlin Phillips
The Phillips Collection
1600 21 Street, NW
Washington, D.C.  20007

Dear Laughlin: 

It was such a pleasure to have dinner with Jim McLaughlin and to discuss the Pippin show. We certainly will do as much of the footwork as possible such as locating the paintings and arranging all the details of the catalogue, etc. It is really a pleasure to work with the Phillips Collection. The Whitney has reserved their two Pippins and the proposed date will be early in March. 

Since the exhibition at Terry Dintenfass will be a benefit show fo the Schamburg Library, we will assume the full cost of the advertising as I know the Phillips Collection is not eager to have that kind of publicity. 

I do think we should discuss several details since it is probably one of the most important shows in that area of art. I am really thrilled and anxious to show you the new gallery space and hope you will let me know when you are in New York next. We expect to move in early April and will open with a William King show on the 12th. 

Kindest regards and again thank you for everything. 


                            Terry Dintenfass

TD: cw