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1943- Included in "American Negro Artists" at the Smith College of Art, Northampton, and in "American Art" at the Downtown Gallery, New York. [[note]] ? [[/note]]

1944- Four pictures included in "Seven American Painters" at the Museum of Modern Art.  Exhibited at the Downtown Gallery, New York, which divided Pippin's production with the Robert Carlen Galleries of Philadelphia.
Received Fourth Honorable Mention award for Cabin in the Cotton III, at the Carnegie Institute's "Painting in the United States" exhibition.
Included in "Religious Art of Today," at the Dayton Art Institute, Ohio; "American Painters of the Present Day," at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence; and in the "Third Annual Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Prints by Negro Artists," at the Exhibition Gallery, Atlanta University, Georgia.  Pippen created a series of Holy Mountain paintings derived from the Bible and Edward Hicks' Peaceable Kingdom series of which Robert Carlen had several.  Pippin explained these paintings in his own words:

"To my dear friends:
"To tell you why I painted the picture.  It is the holy mountain my Holy mountain.
"Now my dear friends.
"The world is in a bad way at this time.  I mean war.  And men have never loved one another.  There is trouble every place you Go today.  Then one thinks of peace, yes there will be--peace, so I look at Isaiah xi-6-1--there I found that there will be peace....Every time I read it I got a new thought on it.  So I went to work.  Isaiah xi the 6v to the 10v gave me the picture, and to think that all the animals that kill the weak ones will Dwell together like the wolf will Dwell with the lamb...."
"And a little child, shall lead them then to think also That the cow and the Bear shall feed....Then I had something else to think about also, and that is the asp, and the Cockatrice's Den, which is the most deadly thing of them all...and to think that a suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp.  And the weaned child shall put his hand on the Cockatrice's Den, and this is why it is done, for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea...."
"Now my picture would not be complete of today if the little ghostlike memory did not appear in the left of the picture.  As the men are dying, today the little crosses tell us of them in the first world war and what is doing in the south today--all of that we are going through now.  But there will be peace."6