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Owners thereof; 5th Value of personal property seized and applied to the use of the Bureau; and 6th the amounts of estimates of Quartermasters funds required by Quartermasters on duty in this Bureau for the use thereof, up to April 1st 1866 and the amount transferred on said estimate. (Marked B.)

Third. report of Subsistence Stores received and expended (Marked C.)

Fourth. report of officers in duty up to April 1st 1866 and the amount of their pay and allowances. (Marked D.)

Fifth. Report transportation furnished to officers and agents (Marked E.)
Your Obt. Servant 
C. H. Howard
Bvt Brig. General
Asst. Commr D.C.

L.B. Vol. 2. Folio 263.

Transcription Notes: