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Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 26, 1865.
(Extract from Circular No. 16.)
"III. Contracts for labor for the coming year will be made in writing for no longer than one year, subject to the approval of the nearest or most accessible Superintendent of this Bureau, who will see that a fair and equitable rate of wages is established. No fixed rates will be established by this Bureau, nor will any community or combination of people be permitted to fix rates. Let labor be free to compete as other commodities in an open market. Wages will be secured by a lien upon the crops raised, or by good sureties.- Parties can make any trade or agreement that is satisfactory to themselves, and officers of this Bureau will not interfere, unless it is apparent that advantage have been taken of the ignorance of the freed people to wrong them.
Superintendents will keep a record of all contracts for labor approved and witnessed by them. A fee of ten cents may be charged for each laboror included in such contracts, the fee to be paid by the employer. Parties to contract will be informed that a faithful compliance with their terms will be required. The laborer will especially be informed that he is to work under the direction of his employer, that he is to render good and faithful service, and not leave the plantation, or place of his employment in working hours without permission, unless he is treated with cruelty. Parents should be advised that they are responsible for their children, and the children for their aged and decrepid parents, and must labor for their support; and in making contracts these facts must be taken into consideration. Persons who refuse or neglect to make written contracts for the next year with the freed people employed by them will be required, should dispute arise as to compensation, to pay the highest wages given for the same in their section of the country.