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Harrisburg Sept 25, 1866

Maj Gen. O.O. Howard
Dear Sir,

Mrs. E.B Loomis of this State, desires a situation as teacher under the Freedmen's Bureau. From my knowledge of her, & the assurances of intelligent persons well acquainted with her, I can recommend her as a lady of respectable family & Christian character with qualifications & experience fitting her to discharge any duties she may undertake & especially in the education & care of those whom Providence has placed in circumstances so strongly calling for our sympathy & in which she feels so much interest.

She would be glad to have an engagement immediately in the Dist. of Cola. but is willing to labor at any place. I would be thankful for any information from yr. Department, addressed to me at this place.

Very respectfully
Yours &c
Mordicai McKinney

Transcription Notes:
2-9-2022: Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review