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the object of my letter is to apply to you for help for the dependent freedmen - there is a large class in this Section of the Country in this County, the old & afflicted the helpless from various causes - they are now suffering & will suffer this winter terribly unless you help them. They should be in a hospital but there is none nearer than Augusta & they cannot get there.

A great many of the young & healthy freedmen have left this County & more will leave this winter but all of that class (the dependents) that were here when emancipated are here yet & will remain. Their former masters have been providing for them in a great many instances but the allmost complete failure of a crop this year will render it impossible for our County to feed its poor. [[strikethrough]] If you will allow me to egh [[/strikethrough]] If you can organize a small hospital here. Simply for those old & infirm dependent. (I can do it with but little expense to the Gov-) It will be an act of humanity unequaled. I am applied to daily for help by that class. Please place it in