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about 9 a.m. or 9 ½ a.m. I was about to leave the ground to take care for Washington when I was sent for to go to the preachers stand & give testimony before magistrates who were investigating the matter. I gave an out line of the above testimony. & I noticed that the clerk did not record all of that given by me, saying in a side tone to the Magistrates "I guess that's not material" The part referred to save the enemies of the whites.

At Hanover Switch about ten 1/2 o clock a wagon drove off to the north of the R.R. containing some 5 or 7 young men in They went off crying, to a number of Gents & Ladies, (who with me, were awaiting the cars for Washington) in insulting tones - "Wake up! Wake up! I was confident at the moment that one of them, with a light coat & small white felt hat, round top - a small man was the man who had been so violent the night before & I must say however that, so far as countenance is concerned I would be utterly unable to identify any one - white or black - who participated in the riot. I know not who uttered the cry Rally boys Rally - I saw no pistols - only heard the firing - I know not, of my own observation, who gave first provication or who fired first shot.

I must say however, that the spirit of the white men while I was among them was such that, the negroes were compelled either resist or leave the ground to escape their vengeance.

Given under my hand this day according to date -
Geo P. Seech
Preacher in Charge
of East Washington Station 
Baltimore Conference 
M.E. Church.

Subscribed and sworn to 
before me this 17th day
of September 1866

Jas  Cull J.P.


Transcription Notes:
Image: Inter Revenue Certificate stamp 5c.