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Testimony of B.F. Parlett

I would state that I was at the Camp meeting held at Shipleys Woods near Hanover switch Anne Arundel Co Md the night of 30th Augst, was sitting in the back part of the Annapolis boarding tent in conversation with another gentleman when I heard a great burst of what I supposed pistol firing, and immediately following heard screams from men, women, and children making their way from the preachers stand where there was a meeting in progress, I know nothing of the origin of the riot, saw no one shot or struck, after things became more quiet, I left the tent above mentioned walked around the grounds to ascertain if possible the cause of the riot, several groups of men standing within the circle of the tents discoursing over the matter, heard one man say he was damn glad that the thing had happened, heard others say that the preachers were the cause of it, and others said they had no