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Baltimore Sept 17th 1866

I was at the Camp meeting at Shipleys Woods on Thursday Augt 30th 1866. On the evening of Thursday Augt 30th 1866, I heard a number of young men say, that they were going to play the Devil with the natives. This was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon. whom the meant by the "natives" I don't know. Every thing was quiet untill almost half past 11 o'clock in the evening, when being at the alter, I heard the report of pistols, and heard the balls fly over my head, at this time a young man was shot within a few feet of me while on his knees at the mourners bench. I then went into the woods and sat down until the riot was over when I returned to the camps meeting. I do not know who commenced the riot. This is all I know of the occurrence

Albert Hood