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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Baltimore, Md. Sept 10 1866

Wm. Filman, aged 33.- born in Ann Arundel Co. Maryland, Freeborn, Farmer - Says I was at Camp meeting at Shipleys Woods Thursday Aug 30, 1866.  Went to the camp on Thursday about 2 or 3 oclock in the afternoon, after the white people were done their meeting in the evening, Wm. Green commenced colored prayer meeting out behind Griffins tent in the woods; in the time of singing, the colored people were shouting - a woman staggered back against a white man, the white man shoved her down, she said please dont hurt me, - the white man then said you dam bitch I'll break your dam neck - then Wm. Green brought that prayer meeting to a close.  Then Wm. Green said there should be no more prayer meeting until lights was made, after lights was made, and supper was over, and after white people was done preaching.  - then the colored people commenced their prayer meeting again, - during this prayer meeting two white men got up a tree and threw a stick among the colored people; after the stick was thrown we went on with the prayer meeting, during the prayer meeting one white man shoved another in among the colored people - the colored people shoved him back, the white man drew a pistol on the colored man, the colored man knocked him down, another white man came up and was also knocked down by the colored man.  The white men said you son of bitches - we will wait on you when the moon rises.  

Transcription Notes:
Anne Arundel is misspelled in the original, transcribed as written.