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The white men then went away - went on with the prayer meeting. Then I went to the tent and went to sleep.- Some one come and woke me up. I went to the tent door, a stone came and struck me on the hand.- I then heard at this time about 5 or 6 pistol shots from the direction in which the whites were - then I went away and don't know anything more about it.

George Broughton, aged about 35 - Born in Maryland, says I went to Camp meeting in Shipley Woods on Thursday night - I was in my tent while the colored prayer meeting was going on, heard loud talking and swearing - then I went to see what was the matter - saw a white man with his coat who said someone had shoved him - another white man was trying to pursuade him to go away - he said he would not go away - he intended to have revenge that night - two more came up and told him to go into them, they would stand at his back. That is all I saw.

Patient Sutton (Clrd. woman) Ann Arundel Co. Md. says I was at the Camp meeting in Shipleys woods - went there Sunday morning  - the Sunday before the riot took place.  I had a tent of my own - I did not see any thing of the fight - but when the rush came back to the tents, I heard the shooting - I saw a stone come from the woods where the white people were in among the colored people. That is all I saw.