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U.S. Land Office.
Little Rock. Ark
August 4th 1866

D.H. Williams

In answer to yours of 2d inst, would state that there are Nine million, two hundred and ninety eight thousand and ten acres of public land in this State (Arkansas.) divided into Districts as follows. viz:

Little Rock District contains 1,997,104 acres
Washington District contains 2,591,680 acres
Clarksville District contains 4,709,276 acres  
Total 9,298,010 acres

As to quality, or where said land is situated I can only inform you in regard to my District (Little Rock.). The largest portion lies in the Northern tier of counties, as follows. Marion Searcy Fulton, Lawrence, Green, Poinsett and Van Beuren.

Transcription Notes:
I can not make out the places where [?] marks are. Also the end of the first line of the letter is difficult to make out. done. Do not use the " mark .... type in the words that the " is standing for... ex: district contains and acres. Do not indent the letter.