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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen & Abandoned Lands
for Missouri, Arkansas, and Indian Territory
Office of Ass't Commissioner
Little Rock, Ark, Sept 17, 1866.

Maj. Gen'l O O. Howard,
Commissioner &c.
Washington. D.C.

I have the honor to submit the required reports for the month of August. By reference to the tabular report of issues of rations it will be seen that, 
449 Refugees received 5048 Rations, and
408 Freedmen received 6853 Rations.

This embraces all the issues of Subsistence Stores in this District for the month; and the issues made to Freedmen were mainly to those in Hospitals and Orphan Asylums. There are two Orphan Asylums for colored children in the State of Arkansas, one at Little Rock, the other at Helena, both under the management and control of the Agents of the Society of Friends, known as the "Indiana Yearly Meeting.  I cannot speak too highly of the quiet, unostentatious, benevolent efforts of these people. By them hundreds of poor colored orphans have been rescued from filth and