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Winnsboro. S.C. Oct. 2nd 1866.

As negroes not understanding law proceedings may inform you that the Bolicks are at large, I beg leave to state that on yesterday evening at 4 1/2 P.M., an application was made under the Habeas Corpus Act. and the Bolicks admitted to bail by Hon Wm R. Robertson, District Judge. each one being required to give bond with sureties. each one in the sum of $5,000, and the sureties of each in the like sum of $5,000, making in the whole a $10,000 bond in each case. The condition of the bonds is their appearance at our next criminal Court on 29th inst.

I remain
Very Respectfully.
Your Obdt. Servt
(Sg'd.) James. M. Rion.

Hd Qrs Mil Dist of So Ca
Charleston S.C. Oct 10th 1866.

H W Smith
Bvt Lt. Col. and A.A. Genl.